Professor Richard Smith
- My research projects/publications and those of my research students relate to the following areas: History of language learning and teaching (HoLLT) and History of applied linguistics (HoAL); Textbook research; Teaching English in Large Classes and otherwise 'difficult' circumstances; learner autonomy; and practitioner research/teacher development.
- I am a 'Trustee Emeritus' of the A.S. Hornby Educational Trust.Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window, and played a leading role in its Decentring ELT initiative. I worked actively as a Trustee for 21 years (2001–2022), including ten years as Deputy Chair.
- I founded the JALT Learner Development SIG in Japan in 1994 and am a former co-convenor of the AILA [International Association of Applied Linguistics] Research Network on Learner Autonomy (2008–14).
- In 2008, I jointly founded and then coordinated for a number of years an international research network on Teaching English in Large Classes in developing countries. From 2011 to 2015 I was coordinator of the IATEFL Research Special Interest GroupLink opens in a new window and am now on its advisory board.
- I have also been a member of the Executive Committee of the Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas and the Executive Committee of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL).
- From 2012 to 2014 I co-led (with Prof. Nicola McLelland, University of Nottingham) a Research Network Project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council - 'Towards a History of Modern Foreign Language Teaching and Learning'Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window. As an outcome of this project, in 2015, I founded and since then have been co-convenor of the AILA Research Network on the History of Language Learning and Teaching.
- In recent years I've led ESRC Impact Acceleration award projects on Teacher-research for difficult circumstances and Mentoring teacher-research. I have also been academic lead for British Council teacher-research mentoring programmes in Latin America ('Champion Teachers', 2013–2020) and South Asia (the Action Research Mentoring Scheme (ARMS), 2017 onwards.
- Between 2013 and 2016, I was Principal Investigator in a research project funded by the British Council to develop a 'Survey of ELT Research in India'Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window. Previously, I was awarded several research grants by the British Council to survey UK ELT Research (2005 onwardsLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window).
- The British Council has also funded historical research which I have led to develop 'An Archive and Record of UK-fundd ELT projects, 1950 onwards'Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window and 'An Archive and Record of British Council Involvement in ELT, 1934-2009'Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window. These have contributed to enhancement of the Warwick ELT ArchiveLink opens in a new window, a unique collection of materials relating to the history of applied linguistics and the teaching of English as a second/foreign language, c.1880-1980, which I founded in 2002.
- I am also a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of ELT Journal Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window(Oxford University Press), having been editor of the Key Concepts in ELT feature in this journal. For 20 years I was also a member of, and, for 10 years, Chair of the editorial panel of the Warwick-based online journal English Language Teacher Education and Development (ELTED)Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.
- Invitations to give keynote papers at conferences, workshops or lectures have taken me to Argentina, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Nepal, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Portugal, Qatar and Turkey.
- My current responsibilities in the Department of Applied Linguistics include leadership and teaching of modules on History & Spread of English (BA), Innovating in TESOL Methodology (MA) and Sociolinguistics of English as a Global Language (MA), as well as supervision of MA and PhD dissertations / theses.
- 2024. Stories of Mentoring Teacher-ResearchLink opens in a new window (co-edited with S. Eraldemir Tuyan, M. Serra & E.A. Békés). IATEFL.
- 2024. Japanese translation of A Handbook for Exploratory Action ResearchLink opens in a new window (co-written with P. Rebolledo; orig. publ. 2018). Translated by Akiko Takagi, Takeo Tanaka, Yuki Minami, Takuro Fujita, Hajime Kawai, Yuichi Takizawa, Yuri Nagakura, and Hideki Sakai. British Council.
- 2023. 'How can perspectives from Applied Linguistic Historiography improve our understanding of innovation?'Link opens in a new window (co-authored with T. Giesler). Chapter 1 (Introduction) in Smith, R. & Giesler, T. (eds.) Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching: Historical Perspectives. Benjamins, pp. 2–22.
- 2023. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching: Historical Perspectives (co-edited with T. Giesler). AILA Applied Linguistics Series no. 20. Benjamins
- 2023. Decentring ELT: Practices and PossibilitiesLink opens in a new window (co-edited with A. Padwad). AINET Association of English Teachers (India) & A.S. Hornby Educational Trust.
- 2023. Teachers Research! Online 2023Link opens in a new window (co-edited with A.L. Göktürk Sağlam & Z. Yang). IATEFL.
- 2023. Foreword to Khan, R., Bashir, B., Basu, B.L. & Uddin, Md.E. (eds.) Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times. Springer.
- 2022. Policies and Practice in Language Learning and Teaching: 20th-Century Historical Perspectives (co-edited with S. Doff). Amsterdam University Press.
- 2022. 'Valorizing practice in twentieth-century language learning and teaching' (co-authored with S. Doff). Introduction to Doff, S. & Smith, R. (eds.) Policies and Practice in Language Learning and Teaching: 20th-century Historical Perspectives. Amsterdam University Press, 11–21. As published (temporarily available)
- 2022. 'Mentoring teacher-research: from situated practice to global guidance'. In Wyatt, M. & Dikilitas, K. (eds.) International Perspectives on Mentoring in English Language Education. Palgrave Macmillan, 229–247
- 2022. 'Exploratory Action Research for enhanced teaching and learning' (with P. Rebolledo). London: British Council.
- 2022. 'Decentring ELT: Teacher Associations as agents of change' (co-authored with D. Banegas, D. Bullock, R. Kiely, K. Kuchah, A. Padwad & M. Wedell). ELT Journal 76/1: 69–76.
2022. Smith, R., Gokturk Saglam, A.L. & Yang, Z. (Eds.) (2022) Teachers Research! Online 2021: Proceedings of the final event in the International Festival of Teacher-research in ELT 2021, featuring posters, presentation videos and Q&A with teachers from around the world. IATEFL.
- 2022. 'Innovation and change in English language teaching' (Interview with A.I. Salvi). ELT Research 37: 6–11.
- 2022. 'Mentoring teacher-research'. In Bullock, D. (Ed.) IATEFL Online 2021 Conference Selections. IATEFL, pp. 20–23.
- 2021. 'Enhancement mentoring for teacher-research: A positive approach in a crisis' (co-authored with S. Eraldemir Tuyan, E.A. Békés & M. Serra). English Language Teacher Education and Development Journal 24: 43–61.
- 2021. 'Language teaching in difficult circumstances' (co-authored with J. Anderson and A. Padwad). In Coombe, C. & Mohebbi, H. (eds.) Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics: A Reference Guide. Springer, 111–116.
- 2021. 'History of language teaching and applied linguistics'. In Coombe, C. & Mohebbi, H. (eds.) Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics: A Reference Guide. Springer, 743–747.
- 2021. Foreword to Nattheeraphong, A. A Practical Guide to Designing and Managing English Language Development Projects.
- 2021. Foreword to Gnawali, L., Shrestha, S. & Laudari, S. (eds.) Exploratory Action Research: Stories of Nepalese EFL Teachers. Kathmandu: NELTA.
- 2021. 'A brief history of ELT Journal'. ELT Journal 75/1: 4–13.
- 2020. Horizontes 1: ELT teacher-research in Latin AmericaLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window (co-edited with D.L. Banegas, M. De Stefani, P. Rebolledo & C. Rico Troncoso. Faversham: IATEFL.
- 2020. 'Reflections on "Teachers Research! Chile 2016"' (co-authored with L. Aza, L. & D. Balsemão Oss) in Banegas, D.L., De Stefani, M., Rebolledo, P., Rico Troncoso, C. & Smith, R. (eds.). Horizontes I: ELT Teacher-research in Latin America. Faversham: IATEFL.
- 2020. 'Mentoring teacher-research: challenges and benefits according to Nepali mentors'. British Council Community of Practice for Teacher Educators Research Report. Online.
- 2020. Mentoring Teachers to Research Their Classrooms: A Practical Handbook. New Delhi: British Council.
- 2020. 'L.A. Hill's "neutral English": a historical counterpart to ELF'. (co-authored with R. Lowe). ELT Journal 74/1: 20–28.
- 2019. Foreword to Negi, J.S. (ed.) Exploring for Action, Acting for Change: Stories of Exploratory Action Research in Nepal. Melauli: Support Society Nepal.
- 2019. Bi-/Multilingualism and the History of Language Learning and Teaching. Special issue of Language & History, 62(2) (co-edited with R. Mairs).
- 2019. 'Bilingual English teaching in colonial India: the case of John Murdoch's work in Madras Presidency, 1855–1875';. (co-authored with R. Vennela). Language & History 62(2), 96-118.
- 2019. ‘How can English teachers develop appropriate methodology? How can they have autonomy?’. In Doff, S., Giesler, T. and Tödter, M. (eds) Die große Frage. Normen, Konzepte, empirische Befunde und Anwendungsbezüge in der aktuellen Fremdsprachendidaktik. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 245–260.
- 2019. Foreword to Sağlam, A.L.G. and Dikilitaş, K. (eds) Stories by Teacher Researchers in an Online Research Community. Faversham: IATEFL. Open Access.
- (2018). The History of Language Learning and Teaching, 3 volumes (Vol. I: 16th-18th Century Europe Vol. II: 19th-20th Century Europe; Vol. III: Across Cultures). (edited with N. McLelland). Oxford: Legenda (Modern Humanities Research Association). Introduction: 'Establishing HoLLT: the History of Language Learning and Teaching, Vol. 1: 1–19.
- (2018). Champion Teachers Peru: Stories of Exploratory Action Research. (edited with P. Rebolledo and D. Bullock). London: British Council. Open Access.
- (2018) 'An invitation to Teacher Association Research'. (co-authored with K. Kuchah). English Language Teacher Education and Development Journal 21: 64–71. Open Access.
- (2018) 'Teacher Research 2.0' (co-authored with A.L. Gokturk Saglam and M. Evans). In Pattison, T. (ed.) IATEFL 2017 Conference Selections. Canterbury: IATEFL, pp. 236–238.
- (2018) Special issue of The Language Learning Journal (46/1) on 'Histories of language learning and teaching in Europe' (co-edited with N. McLelland). Guest editorial: 'Histories of language learning and teaching in Europe', pp. 1–5. Open Access.
- (2018) A Handbook for Exploratory Action Research (co-authored with P. Rebolledo). London: British Council. Open Access.
- (2018) '"Research by teachers for teachers": Richard Smith on teacher-research'Link opens in a new window (Interviewer: D. Xerri). In Xerri, D. & Pioquinto, Becoming Research Literate: Supporting Teacher Research in English Language Teaching. English Teachers Association Switzerland, 30–34.
- (2018) Autonomy in Language Learning and Teaching: New Research Agendas (co-edited with A. Chik and N. Aoki). London: Palgrave Pivot.
- (2018) 'Learner autonomy in developing countries' (co-authored with K. Kuchah and M. Lamb). In Chik, A., Aoki, N. and Smith, R. (eds). Open Access.
- (2017) '"Scientific" language teaching'. The Journal of English Language Teaching (India) 59/5: 18-21. Open Access.
- (2017) Teaching in Low-resource Classrooms: Voices of Experience. (edited with A. Padwad and D. Bullock). London: British Council. Open Access.
- (2017) Developing Insights into Teacher-research. Faversham: IATEFL (edited with Anne Burns, Kenan Dikilitas and Mark Wyatt).
- (2017) A History of IATEFL: The First 50 Years of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (with Shelagh Rixon). Faversham: IATEFL.
- (2016). 'By teachers for teachers': innovative, teacher-friendly publishing of practitioner research' (with D. Bullock, P. Rebolledo and A. Robles López). English Language Teacher Education and Development (ELTED) Journal 20: 116–125.
- (2016) Special Issue (Volume 20) of ELTED Journal, on 'Innovative Writing in English Language Teacher Education and Development' (co-editor with D. Banegas)
- (2016). Children and Teachers as Co-researchers in Indian Primary English Classrooms. (Co-authored with A. Pinter and R. Mathew). London: The British Council.
- (2016) 'Teacher development: low-resource classrooms' (video materials). British Council.
- (2016). 'Researching teacher associations' (with Kuchah Kuchah). ELT Journal 70/2: 212-221.
- (2016). Champion Teachers: Stories of Exploratory Action Research (edited with P. Rebolledo and D. Bullock). London: British Council.
- (2016). ‘ELT Journal / IATEFL Debate: Language testing does more harm than good’ (with A. Green). In Pattison, T. (ed.) IATEFL 2015 Manchester Conference Selections. Faversham: IATEFL, pp. 192-195. Also on ELT Journal website (Open Access).
- (2016). 'Building "Applied Linguistic Historiography": Rationale, scope and methods', by Richard Smith. Applied Linguistics 37/1: 71-87.
- (2015). Teachers Research! (edited with Deborah Bullock). Faversham: IATEFL Research SIG. Online (Open Access).
- (2015). 'The concept, or spirit, of “Teachers Research!"'. In Bullock, D. and Smith, R. (eds) Teachers Research! Faversham: IATEFL Research SIG. Online (Open Access).
- (2015). '‘Introducing: a new kind of book for teacher-research’. In Bullock, D. and Smith, R. (eds) Teachers Research! Faversham: IATEFL Research SIG. Online (Open Access).
- (2015). Teacher-researchers in Action (edited with K. Dikilitas and W. Trotman). Faversham: IATEFL Online (Open Access)
- (2015). ‘Exploratory action research: why, what, and where from?’ In Dikilitas, K., Smith, R. and Trotman, W (eds). Teacher-researchers in Action. Faversham: IATEFL, Chapter 3 (pp. 37-45). Online (Open Access).
- (2015) Review of Teacher Research in Language Teaching: A Critical Analysis by S. Borg, Cambridge University Press 2013. ELT Journal 69/2: 205-208.
Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window - (2015) ‘Supporting teacher-research: challenges and opportunities’ (with P. Rebolledo, F. Shamim and M. Wyatt). In Pattison, T. (ed.) IATEFL 2014 Harrogate Conference Selections. Faversham: IATEFL, pp. 197-201. Pre-publication versionLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.
- (2015) 'The state of ELT research in the UK (Part II)' (roundtable discussion report, with Gosia Sky). ELT Research 30; 21-24. Online (Open Access)
- (2014) Directory of UK ELT Research, 2011–12 (Co-author with S. Choi, I. Liggins and G. Sky). London: The British Council. Online (Open Access).
- (2014) 'The history of Teaching English as a Foreign Language, from a British and European perspective’ (with A.P.R. Howatt). Language and History 57/1: 75-95. Online (Open Access)Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
- ‘An interview with John Trim (1924—2013) on the history of modern language learning and teaching’, by Richard Smith and Nicola McLelland (2014). Language and History57/1: 10-25. Online (Open Access)
‘Building the history of language learning and teaching (HoLLT)’, (with N. McLelland). Introduction to special issue on ‘History of Modern Language Education in Europe’. Language and History 57/1: 1-9. Online (Open Access)
- (2014) ‘Teacher-research as continuing professional development: A project with Chilean secondary school teachers' (with T. Connelly and P. Rebolledo). Chapter 5 in Hayes, D. (ed.) Innovations in the Continuing Professional Development of English Language Teachers. London: The British Council, pp. 111–128.
- [2014]. ‘Transformations in ELT: Agents, contexts and opportunities’. In Shrestha, P.N., Dhakal, K.R., Ojha, L.P., Rana, L.B., and Rawal, H. (eds) NELTA Conference Proceedings 2013. Kathmandu, Nepal: Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association, pp. 12-22.Pre-publication version.
- (2014) '"Teacher Association research": An innovative form of teacher-research' [with H. Kuchah Kuchah]. Voices (January-February).
- (2013) [Editor]. The Warwick ELT Archive Catalogue, 3rd, updated edition (Part 1: Published materials (up to 1979); Part 2: Unpublished / archival items; Part 3: Selected items published from 1980 onwards). Published online: opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
- (2013) 'Harold E. Palmer, IRLT and "historical sense" in ELT’. IRLT Journal 12 (Journal of the Institute for Research in Language Teaching, Tokyo: Special issue to celebrate the Institute's 90th anniversary). Pre-publication versionLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.
- (2013) . ‘Exploring teacher-learning: Interview with Richard Smith, Learner Development SIG co-founder’ [with A. Barfield]. Learning Learning 20/2: 44-49. Online: opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
- (2013). ‘Researching with children’ (Online Forum Report) [with A. Pinter and K. Kuchah]. ELT Journal 67/4: 484-487.
- (2013). Foreword to Dikilitaş, K. (ed.). Teacher-research Studies: Inquiries from Teacher Perspectives, Volume 2. Ankara: Nobel.
- (2013). ‘Teacher education and autonomy: Where’s the real story?’ [with G. Barkhuizen and F. Vieira]. In A. Barfield & N.Delgado Alvarado (eds), Autonomy in Language Learning: Stories of Practices. Canterbury, England: IATEFL Learner Autonomy SIG. Pre-publication versionLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.
- (2013). 5 short chapters in Strawson, H. et al. 53 Ways to Deal with Large Classes [with M. Ajjan]. Newmarket, Suffolk: The Professional and Higher Partnership.
- (2013). ‘ELT coursebooks: Past, present and possible’ [with Gray, J., Freeman, D., Kiai, A., Tanaka, M. and Banegas, D.]. In Pattison, T. (ed.) IATEFL 2012 Glasgow Conference Selections. Canterbury: IATEFL. Pre-publication versionLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.
- (2012). Thematic Bibliography on Large Class Teaching / Teaching in Difficult Circumstances (2002 onwards) . [with M. Ajjan and M. Saleem]. Coventry: Centre for Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick. Online: opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
- (2012) 'Unpackaging the past: 'CLT' through ELTJ keywords'. ELT Journal 66/4: 430-439. [Co-authored wiith D. Hunter.]
Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window - (2012) 'The work of Brian Abbs and Ingrid Freebairn', ELT Journal 66/3: 383-393 [Co-authored with S. Rixon.].
Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window - (2012) ‘The state of ELT research in the UK’. [with J. Knagg.]. ELT Research 27: 5-7. Also onlineLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.
- (2012). 'Investigating large classes' (panel discussion). In Pattison, T. (ed.) IATEFL 2011 Brighton Conference Selections. Canterbury: IATEFL. [Co-authored with Negash, N., França, V., Wang, Q., Phyak, P., Ajjan, M., Kuchah, H.K., Saleem, M., Sarwar, Z., and Coleman, H.] Pre-publication version here
Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window. Video of original panel discussion here
Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.
- (2012) 'A.S. Hornby's life and legacy'. ELT Journal 66/1: 1-5.
- (2012) Preface to Irie, K. & Stewart, A., eds. (2012). Realizing Autonomy: Practice and Reflection in Language Education Contexts. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. [Co-authored with N. Aoki.]
- (2011) Autonomy in Language Learning: Opening a Can of Worms. Canterbury, Kent: IATEFL. [Co-edited with Everhard, C.J. and Mynard, J.]. Kindle version available for purchase hereLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window, pdf version hereLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.
- (2011) ‘Harold E. Palmer’s alternative "applied linguistics"’. Histoire–Epistémologie–Langage 33/1: 53-67. Online (Open Access).
- (2011) Directory of UK ELT Research 2009-10. London: The British Council. [Compiled with S. Choi, S. Reid, G. Sky and D. Hunter.] Accessible via: opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
- (2011) ‘Pedagogy of autonomy for difficult circumstances: From practice to principles’. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 5/2: 119-139 [co-authored with K. Kuchah.]
- (2011) 'Teaching English in difficult circumstances: A new research agenda'. In Pattison, T. (ed.) IATEFL 2010 Harrogate Conference Selections. Canterbury: IATEFL. Pre-publication version hereLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window. Associated talk hereLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.
- (2011) 'Promoting teacher-learner autonomy through and beyond initial language teacher education'. Language Teaching 44/1: 118-121. [co-authored with E. Ushioda, S. Mann and P. Brown.]
- (2010). [Co-editor]. Thematic Bibliography on Large Class Teaching / Teaching in Difficult Circumstances (2002 onwards) . [with M. Ajjan, M. Saleem and X. Huang.] Coventry: Centre for Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick. Online:
- (2010). Directory of UK ELT Research 2005-08. London: The British Council. [jointly compiled with S. Rixon.]
(2009). 'Teacher education for learner autonomy: building a knowledge base'. Editorial for special issue of Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching [co-authored / co-edited with F. Vieira]. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 3/3: 215–220.
- (2009). 'Claude Marcel (1793-1876): A neglected applied linguist?'. Language and History 52/2: 173-184.
- (2009). 'Chinese learners' strategy use in historical perspective: A cross-generational interview-based study'. System 37/2: 286-299. [co-authored with X. Jiang.]
- (2009). 'Autonomy: Under whose control?' [commentary chapter]. In Pemberton, R., Toogood, S. and Barfield, A. (eds), Maintaining Control. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. [co-authored with E. Ushioda.]
- (2009). 'Critical approaches to coursebooks'. In Beaven, B. (ed.) IATEFL 2008 Exeter Conference Selections. Canterbury: IATEFL. [co-authored with J. Kullman, J. Gray, S. Wharton, D. Santos and A. Pennycook.]
- (2008). 'Taking the bull by its horns: Zakia Sarwar's pro-autonomy approach to large classes in Pakistan (Part I)'. Independence 44: 7-13. PdfLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window - (2008). 'Learner autonomy' (Key concepts in ELT). ELT Journal 62/4: 395-397.
- (2008) A commentary on 'Teacher education for learner and teacher autonomy'. In Jiménez Raya, M. and Lamb, T. (eds), Pedagogy for Autonomy in Modern Languages Education: Theory, Practice, and Teacher Education. Dublin: Authentik.
- (2008) 'The history of learner autonomy'. In Dam, L. (ed.) 9th Nordic Conference on Developing Learner Autonomy in Language Learning and Teaching: Status and Ways Ahead after Twenty Years. Copenhagen: CVU.
- (2008) ‘Teacher-learner autonomy: Programme goals and student-teacher constructs’. In Lamb, T. and Reinders, H. (eds), Learner and Teacher Autonomy: Concepts, Realities and Responses. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [co-authored with S. Erdoğan].
- (2008) ‘Taking stock of ELTED (A conversation)’ [with J. Kennedy and E. Ushioda]. English Language Teacher Education and Development 13: 52-57. Online: opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
- (2007) 'The origins of ELT Journal'. OnlineLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window [on the Oxford University Press ELT Journal website].
- (2007) 'The birth and early years of the IATEFL Learner Independence SIG'. Independence 40: 4-12.
- (2007) 'Responding to resistance'. In A. Barfield and S. Brown (eds), Reconstructing Autonomy in Language Education: Inquiry and Innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. [co-authored with P. Brown and E. Ushioda.]