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Decentring ELT/TESOL: How does change arise?

Keynote paper by Richard Smith at the International Conference on English language Studies, 17 June 2022, Mahasarakham University, Thailand

Powerpoints slides here (as pdf)

Facebook Live recording (13:15 onwards)

Links and references

Decentring ELT/TESOL

Decentring ELT (A.S. Hornby Educational Trust website).

Decentring ELT: Challenges and Opportunities (Brief report on The A. S. Hornby Educational Trust's 60th anniversary online conference, in collaboration with AINET and the Centre for English Language Education, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi, 3–4 December 2021)

For teacher associations

Richard Smith & Kuchah Kuchah (2016). 'Researching teacher associations'. ELT Journal 70/2: 212-221

Kuchah Kuchah & Richard Smith (2018) 'An invitation to Teacher Association Research'. English Language Teacher Education and Development Journal 21: 64–71.

D. Banegas, D. Bullock, R. Kiely, K. Kuchah, A. Padwad & M. Wedell (2022). 'Decentring ELT: Teacher Associations as agents of change'. ELT Journal 76/1: 69–76.

Hornby Trust Teacher Association Project Awards

For teachers

Richard Smith, Amol Padwad & Deborah Bullock (eds) (2017) Teaching in Low-resource Classrooms: Voices of Experience. London: British Council.

Richard Smith & Paula Rebolledo (2018) A Handbook for Exploratory Action Research London: British Council.

Facebook group for teachers:

Webinar introduction to Exploratory Action Research (British Council webinar for secondary school teachers in Ukraine): Paula Rebolledo & Richard Smith

Video presentations and reflections, with posters from the Teachers Research! Online 2021 conference

Paula Rebolledo, Richard Smith & Deborah Bullock (eds) (2016). Champion Teachers: Stories of Exploratory Action Research London: British Council.

J.S. Negi (ed.) (2019) Exploring for Action, Acting for Change: Stories of Exploratory Action Research in Nepal. Melauli: Support Society Nepal.

For mentors or prospective mentors of teacher-research

Richard Smith (2020) Mentoring Teachers to Research Their Classrooms: A Practical Handbook. New Delhi: British Council. Associated video interviews with mentors.

Facebook group for mentors:

Video and posters from the International Festival of Teacher-research in ELT 2021 event Mentoring teacher-research – in a time of Covid-19