UG Modules

UG ModulesLink opens in a new window
Year 1 ModulesLink opens in a new window
Core Modules
Core modules are compulsory and you do not need to register for these.
Everyone must take core modules in economic analysis and quantitative techniques. Depending on your degree course, in your first year, for example, you will take either EC107 Economics 1 or EC108 Macroeconomics 1 and EC109 Microeconomics 1. All first-year students take EC139 Mathematical Techniques A or EC140 Mathematical Techniques B and EC122 Statistical Techniques A or EC124 Statistical Techniques B.
All first-year students take Economics Personal Development Module (PDM) which is non-credit rated (L100, L116 and LM1D (LLD2)).
Optional Core Modules
Optional core modules are modules which are compulsory but which offer an element of choice within a subset of modules, meaning that you are asked to choose between one module or another or, for example, two modules from a subset of five.
Optional Modules Offered by the Department of Economics
Optional modules are non-compulsory modules which offer you the chance to study an aspect of Economics in more depth. You should make your selection taking account of the constraints imposed by your degree course regulations. Please ensure you are aware of the relevant pre-requisitesLink opens in a new window before registering for a module. You will only be permitted to take a module if you have the required pre-requisites.
Approved Options
Before finalising your choice of non-Economics options, you must confirm with the relevant department that you are accepted for the option and that the timetable is feasible for you, across the whole year, not just the Autumn term. There are lists of approved external optional modules that you may choose from, each year of your study see here for Year 1Link opens in a new window, Year 2Link opens in a new window and Final YearLink opens in a new window. Please check your Non-Economics module appears on the approved list before registering. The lists are not exhaustive - if other outside options appeal to you must complete an online Unusual Options Request FormLink opens in a new window to request permission to take the module. You must also obtain permission from the department offering the module. For further information please refer to UG handbook.Link opens in a new window
Module Registration
Module registration closed on Friday 24th January 2025. Please ensure to check the modules you are registered on eVision/Tabula. If you have any issues, please contact Economics UG Office.
External Departments Module Information
WBS: The final round of WBS Module Applications will open at 12:00 noon on 18th December, and close at 15:00 on Friday 17th January. WBS do not accept late applications, so make sure to submit before the deadline. Module applications will be accepted throughout this period. Module Applications for this round will be offered on a first-come-first-serve basis – this means that some modules may already be full, which means you will be unable to apply for that module.
IMPORTANT: All applications for WBS modules must be made through BOTH my.wbs, AND your home departments’ systems (eVision).
IATL: You are permitted to take a maximum of 15 CATS of IATL modules across your second and final years combined. To take an IATL module, first register your interest HERELink opens in a new window.
GSD: Spaces are limited on modules from GSD department as such please check with GSD before adding the module to your selections.
Language Centre: Module applications for Language modules is currently closed. Further information regarding language modules can be found hereLink opens in a new window.
Liberal Arts: If you would like to take modules from Liberal Arts, please complete the Liberal Arts Module Choice FormLink opens in a new window.
Please Note - It is students responsibility to check if their module choices are inline with their degree course regulations. Here is the link to our handbook.Link opens in a new window
Unusual Options
If you wish to take an option module not listed explicitly as "an approved option" under your degree course regulations, please submit an Unusual Option Request FormLink opens in a new window. Your request will be considered on its merits, by the Deputy Director of Undergraduate Studies, who will decide after checking for consistency and fair treatment. This form is now closed.
Economics Modules as an Outside Option
Are you non Economics student seeking an Economics module as an outside option? You should check the Module Pages for detailed outlines and then carefully check to ensure you have the required compulsory pre-requisitesLink opens in a new window. If you meet the module requirements, you must complete our application form and wait for a response. Due to high demand, we cannot guarantee a place on your chosen module, even if your application is accepted. EC100 core modules have reached at capacity as such we are not accepting requests from external students. Places will be confirmed as soon as possible.