Week 38
Department News
Economics ranked 4th in the Complete University Guide 2023
The Department is pleased to announce that Economics at Warwick has been ranked 4th out of 81 universities in the Complete University Guide (CUG) 2023 published on 15 June 2022. Read the full article hereLink opens in a new window.
The 10th annual Warwick Economics PhD Conference
The tenth edition of the Warwick Economics PhD Conference was held between 8-9 June 2022 at the Department of Economics. The event was organised by PhD students with the help of the faculty and administrative team. Read the rest of the article hereLink opens in a new window.
Whitehall control prevents local authorities from responding to local needs, new research suggests
A new study from the University of Warwick, University of Bari and University of Birmingham suggests that local governments are restricted from effectively addressing local needs by tight fiscal controls from central government. read more hereLink opens in a new window.
CAGE Summer School
This year’s CAGE Summer SchoolLink opens in a new window is taking place 10:00- in Scarman House Space 41 between 27th and 30th June. The theme is New Research in Political Economy and the event will feature 24 papers by early career researchers from across the world. As well as a keynote by Leonardo Bursztyn (Chicago) and guest lectures by Julia Cagé (SciencesPo), Monica Martinez-Bravo (CEMFI), Chris Roth (Cologne) and David Yang (Harvard). An innovation this year is a suite of panels and lectures by guests from the world of journalism. This includes a panel discussion on sustainable models for journalism featuring Julia Cagé (SciencesPo), Frances Cairncross (formerly of The Guardian and The Economist and who chaired the Cairncross Review), Tom Wainwright (The Economist) and Noam Yuchtman (LSE). A discussion on Journalism Under the Shadow of Authoritarianism between Mary Hui (Quartz) and Noam Yuchtman (LSE), and a lecture on open source data journalism by Eliot Higgins (Bellingcat). For a full programme see hereLink opens in a new window. If you would like to tune in virtually, please contact josh.p.allen@warwick.ac.uk for the livestream link.
ONS project on Household Financial Statistics
The ONS is embarking on a 3-year project to transform our household finance statistics (and surveys) to better meet the needs of users and emerging trends. The survey’s in scope are the Wealth and Assets survey (WAS), The Living Costs and Food Survey (LCFS) and The Survey on Living Conditions (SLC). They are interested in engaging with current and potential users of statistics in the areas of Wealth and Pensions, Expenditure, Income and Living Standards and Financial Wellbeing. If you are interested in hearing more about the project, please contact HFST.engagement@ons.gov.uk
Trial Access to the Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Sociology
The library has trial access to the Blackwell Encyclopaedia of SociologyLink opens in a new window until 22 July 2022. Please do have a look and let Jackie Hanes (Jackie.Hanes@warwick.ac.uk) know if you would use it in your teaching or research, or think it would be a good addition to the library’s collection.
Lory Barile is leading on the 'Warwick Sustainability Challenge'
The WIHEA ESD learning circleLink opens in a new window is delighted to launch the ‘Warwick Sustainability Challenge’. This is a project that has been developed in partnership with Economics, WMG, WBS, Warwick Enterprise, Estates, our Warwick Alumni, and Coventry City Council. The project will see staff and students across the whole University co-creating sustainable solutions to a particular challenge. Using a design thinking approach, the objective of this project is to provide a more holistic approach to sustainability in HE, linking the teaching and learning provision (Curriculum), to values and ways of working and studying on Campus, and the local Community by engaging with local people and partners (we are naming this ‘CCC approach’). You can find more information about the project hereLink opens in a new window. Join the Challenge. Help us to shape a more sustainable world where to live!
University Undergraduate Open Days 2022 – Save the Dates
The University have confirmed the dates for our upcoming Undergraduate Open Days which are expected to take place on-campus and online. We would kindly ask you to please save the below dates in your diary as we have called for PSS and Academic staff to support the events organised by the Department.
In-Person – No Social Distancing
- Saturday 25 June
- Saturday 8 October
- Saturday 22 October
Virtual Open Days
- Thursday 22 September
- Friday 23 September
- Saturday 24 September (if in demand)
Please let Charlotte Doughty (charlotte.doughty@warwick.ac.uk) know if you are available to support on these dates. Thank you in advance.
Walk with colleagues
Join us for a short 20 minute walk - Monday to Friday at 12.00pm. If you are in the Department and fancy a breath of fresh air during an early lunch break, come for a walk and a chat along the way. Be at Colin’s office (S2.130) by 12.00pm.
Departmental HR Update
Health and Wellbeing
Good health and wellbeing is paramount for staff at all times, but more especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. The University offers a range of remote sessions dedicated to improving our wellbeing. We encourage as many of you as possible to explore any one of these opportunities.
Report and Support
Since its introduction, the University Report and Support scheme has been utilised by staff and students to report incidences of bullying/harassment, sexual misconduct, hate crime and discrimination. The University has analysed have produced the first Annual Report which shows that there has been significant use of the system by students and a smaller number of staff since the introduction of the scheme.
Conference Support Award
The University has reinstated the Conference Support Award Scheme. The Conference/Training Support Award scheme provides up to £200 to help cover the additional caring costs that individuals incur in order to attend a conference/training session or similar event. Details of the scheme and application form are available here. Applications should be forwarded to Sarah Duggan – Head of Administration, Business and Research in the first instance.
Should you have any queries regarding the scheme, please contact the departmental HR Officer.
Publications, Presentations & Workshops
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung published an article (5 June 2022) about Sascha Becker and co-authors' work on forced migration in Poland after WWII. Read the article hereLink opens in a new window.
Arun Advani presented the work of the Wealth Tax Commission at the LSE Festival.
On 9 June, Mark Harrison gave an online talk on “The economics of the First World War” to the Durham branch of the Western Front Association.
On 13 June, Mark Harrison published a column “Western sanctions on Russia are working, an energy embargo now is a costly distractionLink opens in a new window” in the VoxEU debate on the economic consequences of war.
On 16th and 17th of June, Andrew Oswald was a member of an external quality-review team at the London School of Economics.
On 15th of June, Andrew Oswald appeared in a BBC radio broadcast on the happiness of nations.
Working Papers
AO Wang's working paper (with Xavier D’Haultfoeuille, Philippe Février and Lionel Wilner) Estimating the Gains (and Losses) of Revenue ManagementLink opens in a new window has been released.
Jose Corpuz's working paper (with Jospeh Capuno and Samuel Lordemus) Natural Disasters and Local Government Finance: Evidence from Typhoon HaiyaLink opens in a new windown has been released.
Gianna Boero's and Robin Naylor's working paper (with Brian Karanja and Tammy Thiele) Awarding gaps in higher education by ethnicity, schooling and familyLink opens in a new window has been released.
Sascha O Becker's working paper (with Steven Pfaff) Church and State in historical political economyLink opens in a new window has been released.
Media Coverage
'UK admits it has no idea how much tax is being evaded through offshore assets'Link opens in a new window - Arun Advani quoted - Financial Times
'Putting people at the heart of policy'Link opens in a new window - Andrew Oswald quoted - Delano
'Remote workers are about 20% happier than their office-going peers'Link opens in a new window - Andrew Oswald's research mentioned - The HR Digest
'We smile at an unexpected windfall, and daydream all the harder when times are tough'Link opens in a new window - Andrew Oswald's research mentioned - The Guardian
Dates For Your Diary
- Metrics-Labour Coffee break | Every 2 weeks | Thursdays - 1.00 pm | Staff Common Room (2nd floor)
- Careers in Economics Webinar Series 2021-22Link opens in a new window | Online Webinar | 29th June | 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm
- Cage Summer School 2022Link opens in a new window | University of Warwick and online (hybrid) | 27 June – 30 June 2022 (Guests arrive 26 June and depart 1 July)
- Economics Summer Graduation 2022 Link opens in a new window| In-Person | 22 July 2022 |
- inVISIBLE Research and Diversity ConferenceLink opens in a new window | Zeeman Building and MS Teams | 8th, 10th and 15th July | 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
- Applied Young Economist Webinars | Online Webinars | Various times | please check the webpage for dates/times | Attend via Zoom
- Tea @ 3 | every Wednesday | Staff Common Room, S2.132