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Frequently Asked Questions

We've put together a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) below relating to our undergraduate courses, which should help you clarify our expectations as well as give you some information on how to prepare for your new course, once you decide to accept your offer.


What is your typical offer?

BSc Economics (L100)

  • A Levels: A*A*A including A in Maths
  • IB: 39 points to include 6 in three Higher Level subjects including Higher Level Maths

BSc Economics and Management (LN12)

  • A Levels: A*AA including A in Maths
  • IB: 38 points to include 6 in Higher Level Maths

BSc/BA Economics, Politics and International Studies (LLD2)

  • A Levels: A*A*A including A*/Grade 8 in GCSE Maths
  • IB: 39 points to include 6 in three Higher Level subjects plus A* at GCSE Maths or 5 in SL Maths

AS-levels will not be included in offers. Offer exclude General Studies and Critical Thinking

You can find out the typical offer of other joint degree programmes which include the study of economics by checking the relevant departmental webpages for further information.

Test of Mathematics for University Admissions (TMUA)

All applicants to our economics courses will be required to sit the Test of Mathematics for University Admissions (TMUA). There is no strict score required, the exact requirements will be set once all results have been received. We are unlikely to consider applicants without this, unless there are serious extenuating reasons as to why you were unable to take the TMUA.

English Language Requirements

All applicants have to meet our English Language requirement of GCSE Grade 6 (or B). International students require an English Language qualification as specified in Band C of the University's Language requirement table. More information can be found on the University's English Language Requirement page.

Do you make contextual offers?

We are supporting the University’s aim to widen participation and fair access and welcome applications from students of all backgrounds. We have a contextual admissions policy that recognises the potential to succeed in the context of barriers that students may have encountered. You can find further information on what indicators we are using and why we are using them at the University's webpages.

If you meet the University criteria for a contextual offer you will be considered for an offer of up to two grades below the standard Departmental offer as follows:

BSc Economics (L100)

  • A Levels: A*AB including A in Maths

BSc Economics and Management (LN12)

  • A Levels: AAB including A in Maths

BSc/BA Economics, Politics and International Studies (LLD2)

  • A Levels: AAA including A*/Grade 8 in GCSE Maths (or B at A Level Maths)

Whether a reduced offer is made, as well as the extent of any reduction in the offer, will depend on both the contextual characteristics and your prior qualifications (such as subjects studied and grades achieved or predicted).

If you or your school have any questions please email:

  • Please note that the data we will use will come directly from UCAS and you do not need to submit anything additional to the University.

Related points on the criteria is available on the University Admissions webpages.

Which subjects are essential?

The only essential subject is Maths (A at A-level or 6 at HL Maths for the IB) for BSc Economics (L100) and BSc Economics and Management (LN12).

However, for BSc/BA Economics, Politics and International Studies (LM1D), A* at GCSE (4 in HL Maths or 5 in Standard Level (SL) Maths or Maths Studies) or equivalent.

Which subjects are the best?

We do not specify a subject mix at A Level, but we particularly value applicants who can demonstrate a strong breadth of study and academic interest through a combination of GCSEs, A Level subjects, and personal statement.

Are Further Maths or Economics essential subjects?

Further Maths and Economics are not essential, although they are fine subject choices for a student considering Economics at degree level. We treat Further Maths as any other strong A level subject: it has no special status.

How many students typically take Further Maths and/or Economics?

On average, 30% of students have taken Further Maths at A level (or equivalent) and 80% have taken Economics A level (or equivalent), however, this can vary from year to year.

Do I get an offer if I am predicted to make the grades?

Due to the competitive nature of our courses, each year applicants are turned down who are predicted (or even exceed) the offer due to the high volume of applications we receive. A successful application requires the application to be strong in all areas including: predicted/current grades, past academic record, TMUA score and academic reference.

All applicants are expected to meet or exceed the predicted offer, therefore, the TMUA score , past academic record and academic reference all have to be strong.

Do you interview as part of the admissions process?

We do not carry out interviews, all applicants are required to take the Test of Mathematics for University Admissions.

What GCSEs (or prior qualifications) do I need?

You will need a strong set of GCSE grades including the majority at A (or 7) and A* (or 8-9). Your GCSE (or equivalent) English Language and Mathematics grades should be no lower than B (or 6). We also consider your overall GCSE subject profile.

Find out more about our entry requirements and the qualifications we accept.

If you wish to make us aware of anything that impacted negatively on your GCSE profile, you can submit an AWARDS form to provide further information.

Do I have to take the Test of Mathematics for University Admissions (TMUA)

All applicants will be required to take the TMUA. We are unlikely to consider applicants without this. unless there are serious extenuating circumstances as to why you were unable to do so. A TMUA score will be assessed alongside other factors (including GCSEs, Contextual indicators, personal statement and predicted grades) to determine which applicants will receive an offer.

The exact requirement in TMUA will be set once all the results have been received. We cannot advise on the TMUA requirement at this stage. More information can be found on the University's Admissions Test page.

Do you consider the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)?

The most important thing is to meet our entry requirements. An EPQ wouldn't help to replace any of these requirements and wouldn’t change the level of offer we would ask for. It is fine in terms of overall profile demonstrating interest.

Whilst we want well-rounded applicants we realise opportunities offered between schools vary significantly and we would not disadvantage applicants who did not offer this.

Do you consider National Citizen Service?

National Citizen Service would help to show that applicants are ‘well-rounded’. Whilst it would not influence an offer, it is worth mentioning in terms of your wider contribution. However, you should demonstrate how the skills you gained will help you in studying Economics rather than just saying you have done it.

Whilst we want well-rounded applicants we realise opportunities offered by school vary significantly between schools and we would not disadvantage applicants who did not offer this.

Do I need work experience or any other extra-curricular activity?

These things may be useful but only if they help to support enthusiasm for the subject or provide motivation for their studies. Rather than listing everything we suggest you focus on demonstrating skills you have learnt, etc. and how that would benefit you at University. We are not interested in where you undertook (for example) work experience: e.g. I worked at xyz - but rather your thoughts on it and what you gained from the experience.

How important is the personal statement?

The personal statement is only one of a number of entry requirements that are taken into consideration.

What should go in the personal statement?

In your personal statement, you should demonstrate enthusiasm for the subject, wide reading and motivation. We recommend that you focus on the subject rather than extra-curricular activities, but non-academic information can be useful if it supports your academic achievements. You will need to evidence your ability to apply academic theories and ideas to what is happening in the news, work experience, part time work, etc.

A successful application is strong in all areas, including: TMUA score, predicted/current grades, past academic record, personal statement and academic reference. You will stand out if you’re consistently strong in all areas. We are looking for high effort/ability (TMUA score and high predicted grades/past grades), highly motivated and engaged in economics (academic reference and personal statement) and socially interactive within the university environment. Given the level of competition, in order for an application to stand out all these factors need to be strong.

Can I mention other subjects in my personal statement?

We understand that some students may be applying for two slightly different degree programmes at different universities (e.g. a joint honours and a single honours degree programme).

However, if your personal statement focuses on a different subject (e.g. Medicine), then you will be at a disadvantage. For fairness in our admissions process, we cannot accept a separate personal statement in these instances.

How important is my school reference?

This is vital and your predicted grades will come from this. Try to make sure that you do not contradict anything your school says about you in the rest of your application.

Who reads my application?

Applications are assessed by members of the faculty and admissions team.

How can I enhance my chances of getting a place on the programme?

To enhance your chances, you need to have strong grades (past and predicted), a strong TMUA score and show a high critical interest/engagement in economics (personal statement/academic reference).

Can you recommend any reading?

We encourage you to find books that you find interesting as this is one of the ways you can demonstrate further engagement in a subject. However you may find the following reading helpful:

  • The Economist
  • Tim Harford - The Undercover Economist
  • Thomas Piketty - Capital in the Twenty-First Century
  • Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner - Freakonomics
  • Leonard Mlodinow - The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives
  • Adam Smith - The Wealth of Nations
  • Professor Avinash Dixit - The Art of Strategy

We have also created an Academic Resources Portal which contains a bookshelf of virtual reading, audio resources, webpages and magazines recommended by our academic faculty.

I only want to study economics at Warwick. Can I send you a second personal statement?

For fairness to all applicants, we can only accept one personal statement per applicant and is must be submitted via UCAS. Therefore if your personal statement is focusing on another subject (e.g. Medicine) you will be at a disadvantage.

How can I apply to BSc Mathematics and Economics (GL11)?

You are not able to submit an application to study BSc Mathematics and Economics via UCAS. The only way you are able to study this is to apply and study BSc Mathematics for Year 1. During Year 1, you must study the first-year module: EC107 - Economics 1. You can then apply to transfer onto BSc Mathematics and Economics (GL11) from Year 2.

Any enquiries regarding applying to this course should be directed to the Warwick Mathematics Institute in the first instance.

How do you view resits?

The University normally expects applicants to demonstrate that they can succeed on a demanding course of study within a defined timescale, as exemplified by (but not limited to) the achievement of three A levels (not including General Studies and Critical Thinking) over the course of a maximum of two years of study.

Students who resit individual units to improve their A-level grades within this timeframe will not be penalised. However, students who resit their final Year 13 examinations may be at a disadvantage when considered alongside those who have attained the required grades within the usual timeframe. Some courses will not consider candidates who have taken three years to reach the required level of attainment.

Though all applications will be considered on their individual merits, students who follow a curriculum where the normal number of required examinations are spread over three or more years may be at a disadvantage when considered alongside those who have attained the required grades within the standard timeframe, and some courses will not consider such candidates.

If students take examinations early (relative to the majority of the cohort) allowances will not be made for lower grades achieved.

Please see the University's Admissions Statement for the latest information.


How quickly are decisions made?

Whilst we try to make decisions as quickly as possible due to the high number of applications and the fact that we give equal consideration to all applications received by the UCAS deadline, inevitably many applicants have to wait for an offer. We aim to make all home offers by UCAS deadlines.

I didn't receive an offer from you. Do you accept students through adjustment?

In a normal year, due to the competitive nature of our courses, we don't usually offer places via Clearing and we are typically at full capacity long before the Adjustment process begins. Therefore we strongly encourage applicants to apply by the UCAS deadlines.

However should we offer places on our courses via Clearing or Adjustment, they will be advertised on the University's Admissions webpages on results day.

I didn't receive an offer from you. Can I request feedback on my application?

Due to the competitive nature of our courses, we have to reject a number of high-quality candidates. If you require individual feedback, you may request this via email to

Offer Holders

What happens if I don't meet the requirements of my conditional offer?

This depends on how far away you are from meeting the requirements of your conditional offer. If you do not meet the conditions of your offer, we would recommend that you contact the Admissions hotline on results day to discuss your options.

I am considering dropping my fourth A Level. Can I do this?

The most important thing is that you meet the requirements of your conditional offer. If dropping a fourth A Level helps you to achieve this then we do not have any problems with you doing this. Please remember we do not accept General Studies or Critical Thinking. You will still need to meet the conditions of your offer so you will not be able to drop essential subjects that form part of your offer (e.g. Maths for BSc Economics).

You will need to let the Undergraduate Admissions Team know if you decide to do this by contacting them at quoting your UCAS number.

I have turned down an offer but have since changed my mind. Can you reinstate my offer?

Unfortunately, we are unable to reinstate an offer if you have previously turned it down. This is to ensure our admissions process is as fair as possible. Instead, we would encourage you to reapply to our courses via UCAS.

Where can I find the English Language Requirements for your courses?

Details on the required English Language Requirements can be found here.

Can I transfer my degree course?

Internal Transfers (Inside the Department of Economics)

We offer flexibility to our students to transfer between the three undergraduate programmes we offer in the Department of Economics which are:

  • BSc Economics
  • BSc/BA Economics, Politics and International Studies

If you are requesting a transfer from BSc/BA Economics, Politics and International Studies to BSc Economics, we would need to check you have met the Maths requirements for BSc Economics (A* at A Level) and that you haven't previously made an unsuccessful application to this course.

A transfer cannot be requested until you enrol with the University. Once enrolled, you should contact the Undergraduate Office to request a transfer of degree.

External Transfers (Outside the Department of Economics)

Transfers into the Department of Economics are not guaranteed and are reliant on our student intake at the beginning of the year. It is recommended that you contact the Undergraduate Office at the start of the year to see if the Department is open to transfers.

If you are a student in the Department of Economics thinking of transferring to a degree course outside of the Department of Economics, you will need to contact the Department in question to request this.

Transfers from other Universities

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept any transfers from other Universities into any year of our degree course.

Do you have any recommended reading or academic resources?

We have developed an online portal for our Offer Holders with a range of useful academic resources recommended by our academics to help you start preparing for your course. You can access this portal now.

We hope that you find these resources useful. We aim to continually update this page so please do check the page regularly. If you have any further ideas on what we should include in this page, please do get in touch with us via

Economics at Warwick

What makes economics at Warwick special?

At Warwick the Economics degree is incredibly flexible, allowing you to choose optional modules from a wide range of departments, not just Economics. However, clearly the bulk of the options will come from within the economics department. However, the size of the department means we offer very diverse courses, from financial economics, to development, to behavioural economics. Currently, we have students taking Computer Science modules, Business modules, Languages etc, meaning you can tailor their degree to your interests and future aspirations, whilst also gaining the core Economics knowledge from compulsory modules.

Warwick also has a great student experience with extra-curricular activities such as a guest lecture series, student socials where Economics students can get to know their peers as well as their tutors in a more relaxed setting, a personal development module for first year students based on the skills employers have told us they want, a mentoring scheme for first years, an Economic Briefings Project where students get hands on experience of data analysis, and access to the Warwick Economics Society, Warwick Economics Summit, Women in Economics Society and Rethink Economics.

What will my typical timetable look like?

You will have five days study with a two day weekend. There will be approximately 3 hours of contact time per day, making 15 hours on average per week. This will be made up of 6 modules per year: 4 core, 2 optional in the first year. Then a higher proportion of optional modules in the second and final years.

How many students are in a class/lecture?

Lecture size will naturally vary, especially for the optional modules, but also for core lectures. Some of the larger modules may have 200-450 in them and you will then typically have weekly seminars where class size typically averages around 15 – 20.

What academic/pastoral support do you offer to students?

The Department has a dedicated undergraduate administrative team and an academic management team including a Director of Studies, a Director of Undergraduate Studies, a Senior Tutor, Personal Tutors and Year Tutors.

This support comes in a variety of ways, aimed at strengthening different aspects of your academic studies, including support with module content and preparation for assessments. These range from maths drop-in sessions, advice and feedback hours, revision sessions and library support amongst other support activities.

You can view further information on the Academic and Wellbeing Support offered to students within the Department of Economics.

Can I take out a year in industry as part of my course?

During the BSc Economics and Management, degree students will have the opportunity to undertake a one-year work placement in the business sector between their second and third years of study. Students embarking on a placement year will receive continuous support from their personal tutor and Placement Year Coordinator (based at Warwick Business School), ensuring a structured and supportive environment throughout their time away.

More information will be given to students once they have started their degree.

However we do not currently offer industrial placements as part of our BSc Economics or BSc/BA EPAIS degree course programmes as most of our students get jobs after the 3 years of study with us. Also approximately, 10% of students get a job after their summer internship after their second year, so they go into their final year with an offer of a job. We also provide you with lots of opportunities to enhance your employability during your time at Warwick, including through:

  • The Student Opportunity Team who can help with devising and implementing your long-term career plans. They run a packed programme of employer-led skills workshops and presentations, and host careers fairs attended by a wide range of employers. Whatever you’re interested in there’ll be something to suit you;
  • The Personal Development Module is our compulsory skills module will help you address areas for development identified by employers and our students;
  • The E-Mentoring Scheme allows you to connect with our former students to gain insights and connections that can help make your career dreams a reality.

It is possible to take a voluntary year out to find your own work placement, with guidance and support from the Study Opportunity Team.

Can I study a language as part of my degree course?

Our course involves the opportunity to take foreign languages as optional modules in any of the three years.

Can I study abroad as part of my degree course and how do I apply?

The Economics Department is an active member of the EU’s ERASMUS programme which offers opportunities for students in EU countries to study abroad at other universities in EU countries. Students enrolled onto BSc Economics and BSc/BA EAPIS degrees are able to apply to spend a full academic year abroad between their second and third years of study, with the placement providers who are partners of the Department of Economics.

The be eligible to go on a study abroad year you must meet the following criteria:

  • Achieve 60% or above across your first and second year modules
  • Hold language skills at or above Level 5 on Warwick’s Language Centre programme in your chosen institution’s main language

If you are successful in gaining a placement with an Erasmus partner, your degree programme becomes a four year programme, and the title of your course changes to add the suffix “with Study Abroad” to the existing title (e.g. BSc Economics with Study Abroad). During the year abroad the student receives the local authority grant and student loan to which he/she is normally entitled. Successful applicants are also offered an ERASMUS travel grant. On returning to Warwick the final year of studies continues in a normal way.

The Economics Department offers a choice from ten universities for undergraduate students. These are: Universiteit van Amsterdam (Netherlands), Université Catholique de Lille (France), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) , Ludwig-Maximilian Universität Munich (Germany), Universität Mannheim (Germany), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France), Sciences Po - L'Institut d'études politiques (IEP) de Paris (France), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain), and Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium) and Ca'Foscari in Venice (Italy).

There is also the opportunity to study abroad at the University of Monash in Melbourne.

You cannot apply for a Study Abroad year until you are in your second year of study.

How mathematical is the course?

Maths is important to Economics, it is our only required subject and forms a vital part of any good course (in virtually any top-rated university). Therefore it is an essential requirement for our Economics degree which couldn't be replaced by anything else. You will receive training as part of your first year but make sure that you are happy with maths. Many find that their enjoyment of maths increases during an economics course as you get to see how and why maths can be important in the real world and the courses at Warwick will always focus on practical application.

We do offer a course in BSc/BA Economics, Politics and International Studies for which the maths requirement is an A* in mathematics at GCSE but there is no A level maths requirement.

What is the Research in Applied Economics (RAE) module?

A unique feature of the Warwick course is the requirement to write an RAE project in your third year. It is currently a core module for final-year students in BSc Economics, BSc Mathematics and Economics, and optional for other Economics joint degrees. This is widely considered one of the most enjoyable parts of the course, is popular with employers and is generally very well done by our students. The idea is to apply what you have learned at Warwick to anything you like: topics vary from traditional Economics (house prices, regional unemployment, monetary policy, etc.) to pretty much anything (analysing play in game-shows, how house-work is allocated between partners, understanding the football transfer market, explaining rising obesity, etc.)

The research dissertation is supervised by professors/lecturers – with meetings each week. Our dissertation module is of significant added value to our Economics degree.

Over the last years a number of our RAE students have been selected to present their final project at the Carroll Round - an International Conference for Undergraduate Research held at Georgetown University, alongside students from other leading economics programmes around the world, including Harvard, NYU, LSE and Oxford. Others have had the opportunity to present their final project at the British Conference of Undergraduate Research.

Can I take any finance-related modules?

Financial economics is covered quite thoroughly both within the Economics departments and in WBS through optional courses which are quite popular with our students (many of which go on to work in financial markets). The University has links with a variety of finance companies through alumni and the Economics Society arranges visits to city firms in London regularly.

Are we required to conduct group work during our studies?

There is group work in our courses. The marks are weighted with effort taken into account – that is, students can anonymously inform us of the other student’s work contributions if someone is not doing their share.

Do you record lectures and are they accessible remotely?

The Department's current policy is to have lectures video recorded and available to students online. We also use a virtual learning environment where all module resources are posted including lecture notes.

Which countries do undergraduate students typically come from?

The table below shows the percentage of applicants to Undergraduate Study in the Department of Economics by domicile in 2018-19. The proportion of students from different parts of the world is usually similar each year.

Country of Domicile Percentage
Australia 0.19%
Austria 0.37%
Bangladesh 0.26%
Belgium 0.44%
Brazil 0.19%
Bulgaria 0.30%
Canada 0.21%
Channel Islands 0.14%
Cyprus (European Union) 0.42%
England (UK) 47.24%
Finland 0.16%
France 2.79%
Germany 0.84%
Greece 0.65%
Hong Kong [SAR of the People’s Republic of China] 2.49%
Hungary 0.49%
India 6.97%
Indonesia 0.28%
Ireland 0.14%
Italy 1.16%
Kazakhstan 0.19%
Kenya 0.35%
Korea (South) 0.72%
Lebanon 0.14%
Lithuania 0.30%
Luxembourg 0.19%
Malaysia 2.88%
Morocco 0.30%
Netherlands 0.16%
New Zealand 0.14%
Nigeria 0.26%
Northern Ireland (UK) 0.19%
Other (countries with 5 applicants or fewer) 2.88%
Pakistan 1.53%
People’s Republic of China [Mainland] 10.43%
Poland 1.05%
Portugal 0.63%
Romania 0.63%
Russia 0.53%
Scotland (UK) 0.44%
Singapore 4.44%
Spain 1.25%
Sri Lanka 0.26%
Sweden 0.14%
Switzerland 0.35%
Taiwan [Province of China] 0.16%
Thailand 0.63%
Turkey 0.44%
United Arab Emirates 0.95%
United States of America 0.53%
Vietnam 0.28%
Wales (UK) 0.93%

Where can I find details of the optional modules available?

Optional modules are reviewed each year however you can view the current list of approved optional modules on our module webpages.

Should a student find a module that they would like to take as part of their degree course which is not on the approved list, students can complete an unusual options form to request this.

What calculator will I need for my studies?

Except for the display of error or function messages, calculators with non-numeric displays are not allowed. Note, that this means that graphical calculators and calculators with algebraic capabilities that are acceptable in GCSE and A-level examinations, are not allowed for exam in any EC-coded module. There are many calculators which meet the criteria laid out above and we are unable to list them all here or answer the question as to whether a calculator type is appropriate. We do note that the Casio FX82, FX83 or FX85 series are all appropriate and are reasonably priced.