Ao Wang
Contact details
Phone: +44 (0)24 765 23047
Email: Ao dot Wang at warwick dot ac dot uk
Room: S0.59
Advice and feedback hours:
Monday, 11am - 12pm, 5:15pm - 6:15pm
(click here Link opens in a new windowto sign up)
About me
I am interested in and currently working on topics in empirical industrial organization (e.g. demand for bundles, complementarity in demand, revenue management) and related econometric problems (e.g. identification of unobserved preferences, econometrics of Nash bargaining, two-way fixed effects, large choice set).
Research Interests
- Empirical IO
- Structural econometrics
Teaching (2020-)
- EC337, Industrial Economics 2: Market Economics, Competition & Regulation, with Caroline Elliott
- EC9C3, Topics in Industrial Organisation and Data Science, with Mirko Draca
- Real Analytic Discrete Choice Models of Demand: Theory and Implications (with Alessandro Iaria), Econometric Theory, May 2024, pp. 1– 49. doi:10.1017/S0266466624000148.
- Sieve BLP: A Semi-Nonparametric Model of Demand for Differentiated ProductsLink opens in a new window, Volume 235, Issue 2, Journal of Econometrics, Volume 235, Issue 2, August 2023, Pages 325-351.
- A Note on Stochastic Complementarity for the Applied ResearcherLink opens in a new window, (with Alessandro Iaria), Economics Letters, Vol. 199, Feb. 2021. SupplementLink opens in a new window
- Vertical Bargaining under Uncertain Retailer Responsiveness: A Structural ApproachLink opens in a new window (with Hugo Molina)
- Portfolio Diversification and Complementarity in Asset Demand Systems, (with Ozan E. Akbas; version: Dec. 2024)
Fixed Effects Nonlinear Panel Models with Heterogeneous Slopes: Identification and ConsistencyLink opens in a new window (with Martin MugnierLink opens in a new window).
- previously circulated “Identification and (Fast) Estimation of Large Nonlinear Panel Models with Two-Way Fixed Effects”
- Demand with Complementarity: A Market-Share Approach, revise & resubmit at Quantitative Economics.
- previously circulated “A BLP Demand Model of Product-Level Market Shares with Complementarity”.
- An Empirical Model of Quantity Discounts with Large Choice Sets (with Alessandro Iaria), revise & resubmit at the Journal of the European Economic Association.
- Estimating the Gains (and Losses) of Revenue Management (with Xavier D'Haultfoeuille, Philippe Février, Lionel Wilner), revise & resubmit at Quantitative Economics.
- Inferring Complementarity from Correlations rather than Structural Estimation (with Alessandro Iaria), submitted.
- Identification and Estimation of Demand for Bundles (with Alessandro Iaria), submitted.