As of September 10th, 2024 Fatih Kansoy is no longer a current member of the department

Personal websiteLink opens in a new window
Contact details
+44 (0)24 765 23049
F.Kansoy @
Room: S1.113 Advice and feedback hours:
Office Hours Term 2:
When: Fridays: 09:00 - 11:00
Where: S1.113
Book: LinkLink opens in a new window
Assistant Professor (Teaching Focussed)
Research Interests
Central Bank Communications
Economics of Artificial Intelligence
International Macroeconomics
- Graduate:
- Undergraduate:
EC106: Introduction to Quantitative EconomicsLink opens in a new window
EC331: Research in Applied EconomicsLink opens in a new window (2019-2023)
EC333: Topics in Financial Economics: Theories and International FinanceLink opens in a new window (2019-2020)
Working Papers
FOMC Minutes: As a Source of Monetary Policy SurpriseLink opens in a new window (feedback is welcome)
Unconventional Times and Unconventional Reactions: The Effects of U.S Monetary Policy Announcements on Financial Markets.
The Fed and the Rest: International Spillover Effects of U.S Monetary Policy Announcements
Journal Publications:
The Determinants of Net Interest Margin in the Turkish Banking Sector: Does Bank Ownership Matter?Link opens in a new window (Journal of BRSA Banking and Financial Markets, 2012- Vol. 6, Issue 2, 13-49.)
Islamic Finance as a Means to Make Istanbul an International Financial CentreLink opens in a new window
(Afro Eurasian Studies, Vol. 2, Issues 1&2, Spring & Fall 2013, 126-143)