Nicholas Jackson
Curriculum Vitae
Contact details
Email: Nicholas dot Jackson at warwick dot ac dot uk
- S0.84 (Economics)
- Zeeman B0.09 (Maths)
Advice & feedback hours:
- Monday 1pm (S0.84)
- Wednesday 11am (S0.84)
Maths help drop-in sessions:
- Tuesday 2pm (S2.81)
- Wednesday 12pm (S2.80)
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Assistant Professor (Teaching Focussed)
I am an Assistant Professor based partly in Economics and partly in Mathematics. My academic background is in mathematics and my main research interests are in algebra and topology: I completed my PhD in 2004 at Warwick, studying category theory, homological algebra and knot theory. I am currently module leader for EC119 Mathematical Analysis, EC133 Linear Algebra, EC961 Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, and MA267 Groups and Rings. I am a member of the London Mathematical Society, and a fellow of the Warwick International Higher Education Academy the Warwick Institute for Engagement and the Higher Education Academy.
Research Interests
- Geometric and algebraic topology, knot theory
- Homological algebra, category theory
Journal Publications
- N J Jackson, Extensions of racks and quandlesLink opens in a new window, Homology, Homotopy and Applications 7:1 (2005) 151–167, arXiv:math.CT/0408040Link opens in a new window
- N J Jackson, Rack and quandle homology, preprint (2004) arXiv:math.CT/0411055Link opens in a new window
- S K Friedl, N J Jackson, Approximations to the volume of hyperbolic knots, from "Twisted topological invariants and topology of low-dimensional manifolds" (editor T Morifuji), RIMS Kôyûroku 1747 (2011) 35–46 arXiv:1102.3742Link opens in a new window
- N M Dunfield, S K Friedl, N J Jackson, Twisted Alexander polynomials of hyperbolic knots, Experimental Mathematics 21:4 (2012) 329–352 arXiv:1108.3045Link opens in a new window
- N J Jackson, C G Johnson, Evolution of unknotting strategies for knots and braids, Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Nature Inspired Computing, AISB/IACAP World Congress (2012) arXiv:1302.0787Link opens in a new window