There are lots of exciting events happening within the Law School. Plus there are many other University and external events which may be of interest. We have therefore collated them all into one central calendar to help you choose which you would like to attend.

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Wed 19 Feb, '25
PGR Coffee Morning Check-In

Come along for coffee and refreshments and to catch up with PGR staff and students.

Wed 19 Feb, '25
Law School Lunchtime Research Seminar - Wednesday 19 February 2025
S2.09 / S2.12

Guest Speaker: Zainab Batul Naqvi, Manchester Metropolitan University

Title: Book Discussion - 'Polygamy, Policy, and Postcolonialism in English Marriage Law: A Critical Feminist Analysis'

Chair: Dr Laura Lammasniemi, Warwick Law School

Starting with lunch at 12:30pm in Room S2.09, followed by the Seminar at 1:00pm in Room S2.12

Wed 26 Feb, '25
Law School Lunchtime Research Seminar - Wednesday 26 February 2025
S2.09 / S2.12

Guest Speaker: Lotte Young Andrade, Warwick Law School

Title: (Work-In-Progress) 'Hang on a minute, this is the solicitor's job': The Role of Domestic Violence Advocates in Filling the Gaps Left by Legal Aid.

Starting with lunch at 12:30pm in Room S2.09, followed by the Seminar at 1:00pm in Room S2.12

Wed 5 Mar, '25
PGR Coffee Morning Check-In
Law Student Hub

Come along for coffee and refreshments and to catch up with PGR staff and students.

Wed 5 Mar, '25
Law School Lunchtime Research Seminar - Wednesday 5 March 2025
S2.09 / S2.12

Guest Speaker: Professor Vanessa Munro, Warwick Law School

Title: 'Operation Soteria: Improving CPS Responses to Rape Complaints and Complainants'

Please note earlier start and finish time due to Staff Meeting: Starting with lunch at 12:00pm in Room S2.09, followed by the Seminar at 12:30pm to 1:30pm in Room S2.12

Thu 6 Mar, '25
Writing Workshops for ECRs

Monthly writing workshop for PhDs, Postdocs, and Early Career Researchers. These sessions offer a unique opportunity to present and receive feedback on your work in an innovative format. The platform is not limited to but focuses on work that uses critical approaches to questions of race, class, gender and other intersections. Staff and CCLS members are all warmly invited to participate in the writing workshops and support early career researchers with their insights and feedback.

Wed 12 Mar, '25
Law School Lunchtime Research Seminar - Wednesday 12 March 2025
S2.09 / S2.12

Guest Speaker: Professor Judy Fudge, McMaster University

Title: 'Constructing Modern Slavery: Law, Capitalism, and Unfree Labour'

Starting with lunch at 12:30pm in Room S2.09, followed by the Seminar at 1:00pm in Room S2.12

Wed 30 Apr, '25
Law School Lunchtime Research Seminar - Wednesday 30 April 2025
S2.09 / S2.12

Guest Speaker: Dr Asuman Ozgur Keysan, Atilim University

Title: 'Unveiling the Digital Dynamics: Anti-Gender Ideology and LGBTQ+ Opposition in Contemporary Turkey'

Starting with lunch at 12:30pm in Room S2.09, followed by the Seminar at 1:00pm in Room S2.12

Wed 7 May, '25
Law School Lunchtime Research Seminar - Wednesday 7 May 2025
S2.09 / S2.12

Guest Speaker: Dr Siddharth De Souza, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies

Title: 'Data law and data justice'

Starting with lunch at 12:30pm in Room S2.09, followed by the Seminar at 1:00pm in Room S2.12

Wed 14 May, '25
Law School Lunchtime Research Seminar - Wednesday 14 May 2025
S2.09 / S2.12

Guest Speaker: Dr Caroline Bertram, University of Copenhagen

Title: 'Trade, development and human rights'

Chair: Professor James Harrison, Warwick Law School

Starting with lunch at 12:30pm in Room S2.09, followed by the Seminar at 1:00pm in Room S2.12

Wed 18 Jun, '25
Law School Lunchtime Research Seminar - Wednesday 18 June 2024
S2.09 / S2.12

Guest Speaker: Dr Caesar Alimsinya Atuire, University of Oxford and University of Ghana

Title: TBC

Please note earlier start and finish time due to Staff Meeting: Starting with lunch at 12:00pm in Room S2.09, followed by the Seminar at 12:30pm to 1:30pm in Room S2.12


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