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Soft Law and Global Health Problems

We are pleased to announce that Dr Sharifah Sekalala’s new book will be released on the 24th November 2017.

Millions of people in developing countries struggle to gain access to essential life-saving medicines for global epidemics such as AIDS and malaria. ‘Soft Law and Global Health Problems’ examines the different legal approaches that have been taken internationally to improve global access to essential medicines.

Fri 17 Nov 2017, 13:41 | Tags: Publication, postgraduate, Book2017

Warwick lecturer awarded funding for new EU modules starting in October

Dr Ben Farrand has been awarded funding to run a Jean Monnet module in conjunction with the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

When asked how he felt about the award, Ben said “being awarded the funding is a testament to the quality of teaching provided at the University of Warwick - I was absolutely ecstatic to find out the application had been successful.”

The module will be offered to incoming postgraduate students from October this year, as an option on the Law School’s LLM programmes. It will be split into two parts taught across the autumn and spring terms.

Fri 08 Sep 2017, 11:54 | Tags: Award, postgraduate

Professor Twigg-Flesner New Chair of International Commercial Law

Professor Christian Twigg-Flesner has been appointed as Chair of International Commercial Law at Warwick Law School, starting 1st September 2017.

Joining for the launch year of Warwick’s newest LLM, Professor Twigg-Flesner will have oversight of the strategic development of the Law School’s postgraduate programme in International Commercial Law.

“I am excited about joining Warwick and taking up this position,” Christian said. “International Commercial Law is a fascinating area of law to study, not least because it touches so many different legal systems and requires one to develop a global approach to law.”

Wed 02 Aug 2017, 14:27 | Tags: postgraduate

Student-supervisor duo highlight contradictions in financial market safety mechanisms

In recent times, there has been a raft of new legislative initiatives aimed at reducing systemic risk in financial markets.

In their article published in the Journal of International Banking and Financial Law (JIBFL), a leading periodical for practitioners, Dr Stephen Connelly and PhD student Saveethika Leesurakarn from University of Warwick’s School of Law looked at how these initiatives interacted and asked whether there could be problems.

The article is available through LexisNexis, featuring highly in the edition immediately following acclaimed contributors to the field, and headlining the print edition.

Rebecca Limb - current PhD student - has been awarded a Study Bursary from Postgrad Solutions

Rebecca Limb, currently studying for her MPhil/PhD in Law, at the University of Warwick has been awarded a student bursary from Postgrad Solutions.

“I felt a huge sense of relief and confidence that I can be successful in gaining the funding I need. I am incredibly grateful for the support.”

22-year-old Rebecca Limb is a British student studying an MPhil/PhD in Law at the University of Warwick. She says, “The idea of studying for a PhD came from developing my research proposal that I am really passionate about. My research topic is a legal investigation into the rights of competent paediatric patients to express their autonomy and refuse medical treatment.”

Congratulations Rebecca!!

Tue 20 Dec 2016, 10:19 | Tags: postgraduate

Rachel Pimm-Smith PhD student wins SLS 2016 Best Poster Prize

The SLS 2016 Best Poster Prize has been jointly awarded to Rachel Pimm-Smith (Warwick) for her poster ‘Victorian Child Protection: Did Intervention Make Poor Children More Desirable Citizens?’.The quality of the posters displayed at this year’s annual conference was extremely high. However, the judges felt that Rachel’s posters stood out not only in terms of the quality of the research presented but also in terms of their excellent design and clever use of the poster medium. Rebecca will be writing a piece for the SLS blog about her research and her experience of presenting a poster at the conference and her poster will be displayed at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in London in due course. To find out more click here.

Ligia Catherine Arias Barrera presented a paper at King's College at the 'International Graduate Legal Research Conference' - April 2016

Ligia Catherine Arias Barrera presented a paper at King's College at the International Graduate Legal Research Conference 4 & 5 April 2016, in the Commercial and Contract Law Panel. Her paper is entitled: 'Innovation in the OTC derivatives market: challenge for UK regulators'. It is part of her thesis, which was submitted on 1 April 2016. For further information please click here.

Catherine presenting at King's CollegeCatherine presenting at King's College

Mon 18 Apr 2016, 09:26 | Tags: Conference/Workshop, postgraduate, Research

GREAT Britain Scholarship Scheme - India

The University of Warwick is pleased to announce its involvement with the GREAT Britain scholarship scheme on offer to students from India, wishing to study taught Masters degrees.

The Law School is offering one award of £6000 across all our LLM programmes. To apply you must be an Indian national residing in India and not in receipt of any other funding. Further details can be found on the International Office webpages.

DEADLINE: 9th March 2016. To apply please email your interest to Sara Prestleton, stating your name and Warwick ID number.

Fri 22 Jan 2016, 10:49 | Tags: LawSchoolinIndia, postgraduate

Professor Sir Nigel Thrift Congratulates Law School on its Excellent PTES Results

In a letter to Professor Rebecca Probert, Chair of the Law School, Professor Sir Nigel Thrift congratulated the Law School on its positive results in the most recent Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES).

The letter acknowledged the consistently high marks achieved in this survery by the Law School in recent years, commending the hard work of all staff involved and conveying his thanks and appreciation on behalf of the University.

Tue 17 Nov 2015, 09:47 | Tags: postgraduate

PhD student awarded MLR Scholarship

Sara Warner, one of our PhD students, has been awarded a Modern Law Review Scholarship for the second consecutive year, taking her total award to £10,000. These scholarships are awarded by the MLR on the basis of an annual competition for research students engaged on doctoral research at a university in the UK on any subject broadly within the publishing interests of the Review. Congratulations to Sara.

Fri 02 Oct 2015, 15:27 | Tags: postgraduate, Research

Research Seminar - Friday 11th October

African Constitutional Reviews, Elections and Human Rights: The Case of Tanzania

Professor Chris Maina Peter will be holding a research seminar on African Constitutional Reviews, Elections and Human Rights: The Case of Tanzania.’ The seminar will begin with lunch at 12:30 and will start at 1pm in S2.12.

Professor Peter will be discussing the ongoing Tanzanian Constitutional Review and electoral process in the context of African Constitutional Reviews. Recent review processes in Africa have had significant implications for human rights and democracy and in the case of Tanzania this has raised significant issues in relation to the right to self-determination as well as general human rights including women's rights.

Professor Chris Maina Peter is a leading African expert on Human Rights and Constitutionalism. He is Professor of Law at the University of Dar es Salaam and a Member of the UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Mon 07 Sep 2015, 13:55 | Tags: postgraduate, Research, Seminar

PhD Alumnus Chikosa M Silungwe publishes book on Law, Land Reform and Responsibilisation

The book is a critical, genealogical analysis of land questions in the South through an original analysis of the Malawi experience. Through the author’s experience in land reform and subsequent advanced research in the area, the book notes that land reform discourse is dominated by an ethos based on market as value which, in turn, has cemented the ubiquity of a universal, automatic transition from land reform to land law reform in tackling a land question in a country.

Tue 28 Jul 2015, 14:20 | Tags: BookPhD, Publication, postgraduate

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