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Student-supervisor duo highlight contradictions in financial market safety mechanisms

In recent times, there has been a raft of new legislative initiatives aimed at reducing systemic risk in financial markets.

In their article published in the Journal of International Banking and Financial Law (JIBFL), a leading periodical for practitioners, Dr Stephen Connelly and PhD student Saveethika Leesurakarn from University of Warwick’s School of Law looked at how these initiatives interacted and asked whether there could be problems.

The article is available through LexisNexis, featuring highly in the edition immediately following acclaimed contributors to the field, and headlining the print edition.

Lorenzo Cotula (GLOBE Visting Fellow) reviewed Lauge Poulsen’s book for the Journal of International Economic Law.

Lorenzo Cotula (GLOBE Visting Fellow) reviewed Lauge Poulsen’s book for the Journal of International Economic Law.


To read the review please click on this link

Wed 21 Sept 2016, 09:53 | Tags: Governance and Regulation Cluster, Research

The Annual SLSA Seminar: Labour Law for a Warming World? Next Monday, 12 September 2016.

This INTERDISCIPLINARY, EXPLORATORY SEMINAR will bring labour lawyers and socio-legal scholars interested in work regulation in conversation with researchers in environmnetal law and sustainability, climate justice, sociology and international development to reflect on:



1) whether labour and work regulation can play a role in facilitating the development of more socially cohesive, egalitarian, and ecologically sustainable labour regimes,

2) how the adoption of a broad ecological perspective or the one that is grounded in a notion of long-term sustainability challenges labour law frameworks, and whether it can be usefully applied to rethinking and revitalising the discipline.

Event date - Monday 12 Sept 2016, 9am - 5pm,

This is a free event, but spaces are limited. Please contact Dr Ania Zbyszewska at to register.

Food Waste in Global Production: An Initial Brainstorm to map and Evaluate Existing Mechanisms of Governance


On Monday 20th June 2016, a number of experts, academics, and master students came together to discuss the global issue of food waste, and the way in which multi-levelled governance can engage with this worldwide problem. The brainstorm, organized by Tomaso Ferrando and Manuela Galetto in the framework of the University of Warwick’s Global Research Priorities - Global Governance (GRP-GG), represented a first-of-its-kind opportunity to gather individuals, organizations and representatives of public authorities who are directly studying the systemic causes of food waste and in thinking of long-lasting alternative solutions to the otherwise short-termed treatments of the symptoms.

Wed 22 Jun 2016, 13:24 | Tags: Seminar, Governance and Regulation Cluster

International Economic Law in Context Workshop Series

The Centre for the Law, Regulation and Governance of the Global Economy (GLOBE) is pleased to announce the launch of the International Economic Law in Context Workshop Series.

The objective of this workshop series is to explore the interdisciplinary and contextual nature of contemporary scholarship in international economic law (IEL), broadly defined. We hope that the workshops organised under the series will foster greater collaboration among researchers of international economic law whose scholarship straddle interdisciplinary boundaries and whose conceptual approaches draw from multiple empirical, theoretical and methodological traditions.

The workshop series is supported by the Society for Legal Scholars (SLS), the Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) and the Warwick Law School. Individual workshops within the series may be further supported by and/or co-sponsored with other organisations.

For further details, please visit the workshop website or email:

Thu 17 Mar 2016, 15:46 | Tags: Governance and Regulation Cluster, Research

Congratulations to Ania Zbyszewska for her SLSA award

Ania Zbyszewska has successfully secured a funding award from the SLSA after applying to the SLSA's Annual Seminar Competition. Ania seminar is entitled Labour Law for a Warming World?: Exploring the intersections between work regulation, ecology, and sustainability‘’. Keep an eye out for further announcements about the seminar.



Giuliano Castellano visits City Law School (City University of London) to discuss regulation and financial markets

During a public event hosted by the City Law School (City University of London) on Thursday 25 February 2016, Giuliano Castellano discusses the relationship between regulation and financial markets in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis with Joris Luyendijk (author, anthropologist and journalist with The Guardian), Brett Scott (author, anthropologist), and Elaine Fahey (City Law School). The event is titled 'Reforming the City through, by or in spite of Law? Exploring Legal and Anthropological Perspectives on Banking and Finance’, for further information and free registration see:

Assistant Professor Andreas Kokkinis has been invited to speak at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law Conference

The Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law is holding a conference on European Private Law where young scholars from various European countries present the essential propositions of their respective Ph.D. theses. The conference is scheduled to take place at the premises of the Institute in Hamburg on 18 and 19 April 2016. The Max Planck Institute have received almost 40 nominations for this conference and Andreas Kokkinis is one out of fifteen scholars selected to present at this event.

The subject Andreas Kokkinis will be disscussing is;

"Why the UK Corporate Sector would Benefit from the Introduction of a 'Benefit Corporation' Statute"

For more information click here

Thu 11 Feb 2016, 15:43 | Tags: Governance and Regulation Cluster, Research

Sharifa Sekalala is presenting a paper at Barcelona Workshop on Global Governance - Contesting Global Health Governance: The World Bank and Global Health Financing

On 4 February Sharifa Sekalala is presenting a paper at the Barcelona Workshop on Global Governance on Contesting global health governance: The World Bank and global health financing, to read more click here. To find more about the conference click here.

Fri 29 Jan 2016, 10:44 | Tags: Governance and Regulation Cluster

Visitor to GLOBE

Dr Lorenzo Cotula, Principal Researcher at the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), joined us from October as GLOBE’s first Visiting Research Fellow. Lorenzo delivered a stimulating research seminar on Wednesday, 2 December on ‘Land Grabbing’ and International Investment Law: Towards A Global Reconfiguration of Property?’. Lorenzo will be with the Centre for this academic year, 2015 – 16. Although based in Edinburgh, Lorenzo will be making visits to Warwick during this period and happy to meet with staff and students. We will let you know when he will visiting us next. Lorenzo and the IIED are also co-organising our first workshop in the International Law in Context Workshop Series on Rethinking International Investment Law: Civic Advocacy, Representation and Participation in the International Investment Regime from 3 – 4 May 2016 (see details below).

Mon 21 Dec 2015, 13:36 | Tags: Governance and Regulation Cluster

Andreas Kokkinis, publishes a chapter in 'The Law on Corporate Governance in Banks'


Iris H-Y Chiu, University College London, UK and Consulting Editor, Michael McKee, Partner, DLA Piper With contributions from Anna P. Donovan, University College London, Rod Edmunds, Queen Mary University of London, Andreas Kokkinis, University of Warwick and University College London, John Lowry, Hong Kong University, Marc T. Moore, University of Cambridge, Arad Reisberg, University College London, Georgina Tsagas, University of Bristol, Edward Walker-Arnott, University College London and Herbert Smith Freehills, UK

Warwick Law School 7th in UK in Quality of Published Research

In the UK Research Excellence Framework results (announced 18 December 2014), Warwick Law School was assessed as coming 6th out of 67 Law Departments in terms of its Research Environment, 7th in terms of the Quality of its Research and 10th overall.

Full details can be found on the REF website.

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