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Theorising Labour Law in a Changing World

Dr Ania Zbyszewska has co-organized an international workshop “Theorising Labour Law in a Changing World: New Perspectives and Approaches”, which will be held on 13-14 December 2016 at the Maastricht University in Netherlands. Organized in collaboration with Dr Miriam Kullmann (Maastricht) and Dr Alysia Blackham (Melbourne) and with funding support from Warwick, Maastricht and Melbourne Law Schools/Faculties, and Hart Publishing, this two-day event will feature the work of early-career labour law scholars who seek to pushe the conceptual boundaries of labour law. A number of established scholars have been invited to comment on these contributions, with our key objective being to promote a broader, more inclusive and critical dialogue on an issues of fundamental contemporary importance.

Wed 14 Dec 2016, 11:20 | Tags: Research, Seminar

Dr Ben Farrand spoke at an interdisciplinary event, ‘99 Days: UK-EU Relations under Theresa May’s Government’

Dr Ben Farrand spoke at an interdisciplinary event, ‘99 Days: UK-EU Relations under Theresa May’s Government’ on Wednesday, 19 October 2016 at the University of Warwick. The format is a series of talks about UK-EU relations post-Brexit, and it’s being organised by the Warwick Department of Economics and the Warwick Policy Lab. For further details, please visit:

Tue 18 Oct 2016, 09:21 | Tags: Seminar, GLOBE Centre

Food Waste in Global Production: An Initial Brainstorm to map and Evaluate Existing Mechanisms of Governance


On Monday 20th June 2016, a number of experts, academics, and master students came together to discuss the global issue of food waste, and the way in which multi-levelled governance can engage with this worldwide problem. The brainstorm, organized by Tomaso Ferrando and Manuela Galetto in the framework of the University of Warwick’s Global Research Priorities - Global Governance (GRP-GG), represented a first-of-its-kind opportunity to gather individuals, organizations and representatives of public authorities who are directly studying the systemic causes of food waste and in thinking of long-lasting alternative solutions to the otherwise short-termed treatments of the symptoms.

Wed 22 Jun 2016, 13:24 | Tags: Seminar, Governance and Regulation Cluster

"Professor Shaheen Ali was invited to the Soroptomists at Kenilworth on the 28th of April where she spoke on the subject of 'Women's Human Rights and Global Justice.'

At the April Soroptomists dinner meeting, SI Kenilworth welcomed several guests who joined them for a membership event. The highlight of the evening was a talk by Professor Shaheen Ali, from the Law department of Warwick University, who gave us a fascinating talk on Women’s Rights. To find out more click here


Fiona Smith to present at the UCL ISR Seminar - Feeding a growing population: Food Sustainability and International Economic Law

  • Topice to be covered are:-

' Existing scholarship focuseson ‘security’, ‘sovereignty’ and ‘rights’ rather than on ‘food’ with the consequence that some international economic lawyers think calls for changes to existing rules based on these three accounts are misconceived'.

'Focusing on ‘food’ in addition to ‘security,’ ‘sovereignty’ and ‘rights’ opens space for a more nuanced discussion over how international economic rules can be changed'

'A new idea of ‘food sustainability’ addresses the heart of the problems identified in the other accounts in a way that is more conducive to regulatory change'.

If you would like to find out more please click here.

Tue 26 Apr 2016, 15:03 | Tags: International and European Law Cluster, Research, Seminar

Research Seminar - Friday 11th October

African Constitutional Reviews, Elections and Human Rights: The Case of Tanzania

Professor Chris Maina Peter will be holding a research seminar on African Constitutional Reviews, Elections and Human Rights: The Case of Tanzania.’ The seminar will begin with lunch at 12:30 and will start at 1pm in S2.12.

Professor Peter will be discussing the ongoing Tanzanian Constitutional Review and electoral process in the context of African Constitutional Reviews. Recent review processes in Africa have had significant implications for human rights and democracy and in the case of Tanzania this has raised significant issues in relation to the right to self-determination as well as general human rights including women's rights.

Professor Chris Maina Peter is a leading African expert on Human Rights and Constitutionalism. He is Professor of Law at the University of Dar es Salaam and a Member of the UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Mon 07 Sept 2015, 13:55 | Tags: Research, Seminar, postgraduate

Professor Alan Norrie awarded Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship

Professor Alan Norrie has been awarded a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship for three years to write a book entitled ‘Criminal Justice and the Blaming Relation’.


Tue 06 Jan 2015, 11:24 | Tags: Seminar

Professor Antony Anghie - Seminar Mon 27th October

Professor Antony Anghie (University of Utah and author of Imperialism, Sovereignty and the Making of International Law) will deliver a seminar on Imperialism and Sovereignty on Monday 27 October , 1.00 – 2.30 pm in Room S0.20.

All welcome.


Fri 17 Oct 2008, 15:56 | Tags: Seminar