Mauricio Palma-Gutiérrez
Associate Tutor
I am an Associate Tutor for PO107 - Introduction to Politics and PO379 - US Foreign Policy. I am also a Research Assistant for the ESRC-funded project "Data Literacies in Displacement" (PI: Prof. Vicki Squire).
I joined PAIS in October 2019 as a doctoral researcher. In February 2024, I was awarded a PhD in Politics and International Studies. My dissertation was called "Performing survival: Venezuelans’ Migratory Journeys along the Andean Corridor". My supervisors were Vicki SquireLink opens in a new window and Tom LongLink opens in a new window.
Since September 2023, I am one of the co-directors of the Latin America at Warwick Network (LAWN)Link opens in a new window
Since 2022, I am one of the convenors of the Borders, Race, Ethnicity, and Migration Network (BREM)Link opens in a new window
In 2023 I was a student tutor for the Social Mobility Student Research HubLink opens in a new window at the University of Warwick and a research assistant for the Warwick Interdisciplinary Research Centre for International Development (WICID)Link opens in a new window
During 2022, I was a research assistant for the Data and DisplacementLink opens in a new window project, co-funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and UKaid
Previously, I worked as a public policy adviser and researcher on security, human mobility, and global institutions for over ten years, mostly in Colombia. I also taught various courses in International Studies at undergraduate and post-graduate levels during the same period, at Del Rosario University (Colombia). I completed an MSc in Global History at the London School of Economics (UK), an MA in Global Studies at the University of Leipzig (Germany), and a BA in International Relations at Del Rosario University.
I am interested in:
- Human mobility across the Americas
- Critical border and security studies
- Global migration and displacement
Teaching at Warwick
During the 2023/24 academic year I am an associate tutor for PO107 - Introduction to Politics and PO379 - US Foreign Policy
During the 2022/2023 academic year I was an associate tutor for PO231 - International Security and PO397 - Latin America: Democratization and Development
During the 2021/2022 academic year I was an associate tutor for PO231 - International Security and PO102 - Political Research in the 21st Century
During the 2020/2021 academic year I was an associate tutor for PO107 World Politics.
Other teaching
In the summer of 2024 I am the module leader for the MSc course on International Relations theories, concepts and debates at the University of Wolverhampton
Since 2013 I am a lecturer in International Migration at the Faculty of Politics and International Studies at Del Rosario University (Bogotá, Colombia)
Recent Articles
2024: “Migrants are citizens too!”: Everyday acts of citizenship and the lived experiences of Venezuelans across the Andes. Journal of Latino / Latin American Studies.
2024: (with E. Devis-Amaya) “Venezuelan Migrations, Journeys, and Trajectories across the Americas”. Introduction to the special edition. Journal of Latino / Latin-American Studies.
2023: "Autonomy and Struggle in Times of Viral Borders: Venezuelans Across the South American Andes During Covid-19" Geopolitics.
2022: (with Tom Long) "Performativity and Colombian Foreign Policy: A 'Good Member' of the Liberal International Order?" Desafíos. opens in a new window
2022: "Breaking the Encanto" (Review). Journal of Refugee Studies. opens in a new window
2021: "A Transitory Settlement on the way back to Venezuela: A tale of Vulnerability, Exception, and Migrant Resistance in times of Covid-19". REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, 29(61). opens in a new window
2021: “The Politics of Generosity. Colombian Official Discourse towards Migration from Venezuela, 2015-2018”. Colombia Internacional, 106. opens in a new window
Book Chapters
2023: (with César Niño) "State Intelligence or Stash Intelligence? Tracing Terrorism Financing in Colombia after FARC-EP Demobilisation."In Romaniuk, S.N. et al. Countering Terrorist and Criminal Financing. Theory and Practice. opens in a new window
Other Publications
2023 (Book Chapter) “Detrás de la generosidad. La migración en el gobierno de Iván Duque”. In: Molano-Rojas, A. and Rodríguez, F. Anuario de política exterior colombiana: Balance de la política exterior del gobierno de Iván Duque (2018-2022). Universidad del Rosario Press. Pp. 3-21
2017: (with Badrán, F.) Crimen transnacional organizado y utilitarismo sociológico: evidencia desde el tráfico de migrantes en Colombia. Oasis, 25.
2016: (Book chapter) Estados obstinados: ¿humanitarismo limitado? la migración por asilo como parte de las agendas de seguridad estatal y su choque con el régimen internacional de los derechos humanos. Full text:
2015: ¿País de emigración, inmigración, tránsito y retorno? La formación de un sistema de migración colombiano. Oasis, 21.
2015: (Book chapter) Ascenso, proliferación, gestión y ¿control? Tráfico de migrantes a través de las fronteras de Colombia. Full text:
2014: (Book chapter with Zarama, F.) ¿Por qué se reactivan los conflictos luego de alcanzar un acuerdo? Alertas de la experiencia internacional para Colombia. Full text:
2014: (Policy Paper) Tumaco: ¿Razones para la desesperanza? Full text:
Other outreach activities
2023: Migration and Displacement in South America - Thinking Global Podcast: Full audio hereLink opens in a new window