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Using Gather

User Guide to Gather - summary and full details This includes a brief overview, summarised below, and the rest of the document gives a good deal more detail of how to navigate and best manage your experience in Gather.

 Self Help Troubleshooting Issues in Gather


While this one page summary will be enough to get you going in Gather quickly, it would be best to take time to read the whole document (see link above to download) to get most benefit from Gather’s features. Please make some time to explore the SPUDM conference space.


To move your avatar, use the keyboard arrow keys and your avatar will move in the associated direction.

Interacting with objects

Objects which are interactive will highlight yellow when you are within activation distance of them. Press ‘X’ to interact with the object and it will bring up information for you, or a poster if you are in poster presentations. When we livestream any presentations such as our Keynote Speakers, you will view the livestream by pressing 'X' when you are in the presentation room. The whole room will be in range of the livestream activation.

Ghost Mode

Hold ‘g’ to enter ghost mode, this allows you to move through people which will be useful in crowded areas. In this mode you cannot hear or see other people and vice versa. Ghost mode also allows more people to fit into private spaces such as in front of posters.


When joining the Gather space you will be asked to set up your name and you appearance (Avatar).

If you have the option to set your name, please use this convention: Your Name (Affiliation). For example: Marcus Tonge (University of Warwick). You can use the avatar and clothing slider to customise how your character looks. Our helpers’ avatars will all be yellow with yellow caps, so please avoid that option.


Pressing the chat bubble on the left hand side of the screen will bring up the chat box. In here you can message other people in the Gather space.

Raise your hand

To raise your hand, you can either select it from the menu (click on the smiley face to bring up the menu) on banner at base of screen or press the number 6 on your keyboard. While your hand is raised, your name will move up to the top of the Participants list. Press 6 again to lower your hand or use the clear button on emotes menu as before.

Get ahead

It would be well worthwhile to take time to get comfortable in Gather before SPUDM starts. The space is open for the whole of August, 24/7, so you can go and explore any time you like. It will be a better experience if you have someone else in the space with you so maybe link up with another SPUDM attendee to venture into Gather.


see also: Audio visual troubleshooting:

SPUDM 2021 Conference Links




Using Gather.Town




Organising Committee