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'The McDonaldization of justice and the disappearance of fair trial?' Conference: 19- 21 May 2022

From 19 - 21 May 2022 the 11th conference in the series The Future of Adversarial and Inquisitorial System, a collaboration between the Universities of Warwick, North Carolina, Bologna, Basel and Duke University will be hosted at Scarman House, University of Warwick.

RIGG Network to host Disruption, Decarbonisation and Reparations Conference

From 2-3 September, Warwick’s Research in Global Governance Network (RiGG-NET) is hosting an international interdisciplinary virtual two-day event called Disruption, Decarbonisation and Reparations.

Thu 20 Aug 2020, 09:32 | Tags: Conference/Workshop, Student Achievement

Gender and ageing in African contexts workshop

Warwick Law School in partnership with HelpAge International (Africa region) and the University of Nairobi, School of Law held a two day workshop on Gender and ageing in African contexts: policy, legal and institutional development in Nairobi, Kenya from 4 – 5 June 2019.

IEL Collective Call for Papers

The IEL Collective will be hosting its first Inaugural Conference from 6-7 November 2019 at the University of Warwick and is calling for papers.

Warwick Law School hosts Pakistan Human Rights delegation

A delegation from the National Commission for Human Rights, Pakistan, is visiting the University of Warwick to take part in a dialogue on the role of National Human Rights Institutions and a capacity building programme co-ordinated by Warwick Law School.

Get involved! Volunteer at: Law In/And/As Performance

Love the drama of a courtroom? Interested in theatre or storytelling? This one’s for you.

Current PhD student, Sean Mulcahy, will be hosting a colloquium event all around Law and Performance at the University of Warwick and is looking for three enthusiastic undergraduate student volunteers to help throughout the day on Saturday 24 March.

Thu 01 Mar 2018, 15:18 | Tags: Conference/Workshop, undergraduate

Warwick academic links up with LLM Alumna at UN Conference

Warwick Law School’s Markus Wagner and LLM Alumna Hyoeun Yang both participated at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development High-Level International Investment Agreement, which took place from the 9-11 October 2017 at the Geneva Office of the United Nations.

The conference brought together delegations from dozens of countries, non-governmental organizations and subject matter experts. It took stock of sustainable development-oriented international investment agreement (IIA) reform and shared experiences of the countries that are undergoing such changes. Furthermore, it identified best practices for phase 2 of IIA reform, including substantive, procedural and institutional improvements.

Tue 24 Oct 2017, 10:17 | Tags: Conference/Workshop, Alumni, PG News, icgfr

Engaging Criminal Justice Research Relationships in Leading India Law School

Professor Alan Norrie and Dr Henrique Carvalho designed and delivered a hugely successful research workshop on Critical Theory and Criminal Justice at a leading Law School in New Delhi, India.

Building on a fruitful course delivered by Professor Norrie at NLUD (National Law University, Delhi) in 2016; the April workshop, attended by over 50 people, comprised of two days on a diverse and fascinating range of topics offering new and critical dimensions on criminal justice scholarship.

“It was one of the most productive academic engagements on criminal law and critical theory,” remarked Ms Latika Vashist, Assistant Professor at the Indian Law Institute, Delhi.

Law, risk and finance for energy infrastructure investment in developing economies

In response to the growing demand for energy infrastructure investment in both developed and developing countries, experts convened at Queen Mary’s Centre for Commercial Law Studies, University of London, 26 January, to deliberate the commercial and political risks and mechanisms for mitigation.

The conference, titled “Law risk, & finance: time to rethink for the energy sector”, attracted over 75 attendees, comprising students, policy-makers and practitioners in a session that illustrated the growing importance of risk mitigation through political risk insurance instruments and contributed to greater global awareness of the benefits of such risk mitigation tools in promoting foreign investment in infrastructure development

Ali Struthers Organises Successful ESRC event on campus with primary and secondary school pupils

Ali Struthers organised a successful event on campus on the 11th of November with primary and secondary school pupils as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science. The event saw 60 primary pupils from Widening Participation schools attend campus in the morning and 60 secondary pupils from WP schools in the afternoon. The pupils took part in workshops that addressed challenging issues in the social sciences through literature appropriate to young people. The workshops were run by Ali (human rights), Phil Gaydon (war), James Harrison (labour rights) and Lucy Hatton (immigration), and the event was well-received by all who took part.

Read about James' experience of his morning workshop here.

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