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Departmental news

Professor Andrew Easton discusses the potential development of Covid-19

Andrew Easton, Emeritus Professor of virology from the University of Warwick's School of Life Sciences, discusses the potential development of COVID-19 (coronavirus) vaccines live on anews (19 March 2020).

Tue 24 Mar 2020, 11:02 | Tags: TV/Radio Faculty of Science

Dr Mike Tildesley discusses the coronavirus pandemic

Dr Mike Tildesley, Associate Professor of Life Sciences, discusses the coronavirus pandemic and what lessons can be learned from previous outbreaks of flu (TRT World Now, 18 March 2020).

Tue 24 Mar 2020, 10:57 | Tags: TV/Radio Faculty of Science

Coronavirus:Your Questions

Dr Mike Tildesley answers viewers' questions about coronavirus on the BBC News Channel (Broadcast 09.03.2020).

Mon 09 Mar 2020, 13:26 | Tags: TV/Radio Faculty of Science

Professor Andrew Easton comments on the Coronavirus outbreak

Professor Andrew Easton talks live to Sky News about the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak:

Tue 04 Feb 2020, 12:40 | Tags: TV/Radio Interview Faculty of Science

Seed collection conserves genetic diversity of vegetables

Listen to Dr Charlotte Allender discuss the need to conserve the genetic diversity of vegetables, and how this is being done at the University of Warwick's seed bank facility.

Radio discussion (28 Sept 2019)

The Warwick Genetic Resources Unit houses the UK Vegetable Genebank, a globally significant collection of around 14,000 seed samples of a range of vegetable crops.

Mon 21 Oct 2019, 13:53 | Tags: TV/Radio Crop Centre Interview Faculty of Science

How close are we to there being a British Baked Bean?

Prof Eric Holub being interviewed by the BBCDr David Gregory-Kumar from BBC Midlands Today reports on the harvest of the first full size field of a new variety of haricot bean bred by Professor Eric Holub for the UK's climate. Watch the report and read the press release

Thu 19 Sep 2019, 10:37 | Tags: TV/Radio Faculty of Science

A cure for the common cold?

Did you know that SLS researchers have been leading work to find cures for the common cold and influenza?

Listen as Professor Nigel Dimmock discusses his career and his new antiviral research on the BBC.

Download or listen online

Thu 01 Aug 2019, 09:44 | Tags: TV/Radio Research Interview Faculty of Science

When and how did we first start to domesticate wild plants?

Professor Robin Allaby talks to CrowdScience on the BBC World Service and explains all.

Listen to (Interview starts at approx 5:28).

Thu 01 Aug 2019, 09:43 | Tags: TV/Radio Research Interview Faculty of Science

Sprout science

SproutsOn Monday 18 December, Dr Guy Barker spoke on BBC Midlands Today on how Warwick Crop Centre are improving sprouts through traditional plant breeding. Watch (from 23 minutes)

Dr Barker also spoke with Phil Upton on BBC Coventry and Warwickshire, describing how researchers are utilising genetic diversity from the UK Vegetable Genebank to enhance the appearance, quality and resistance of sprouts. Listen at (1:41-1:45)


Tue 19 Dec 2017, 13:07 | Tags: TV/Radio, Crop Centre, Research, Interview

Antibiotics and farming

Liz WellingtonProfessor Elizabeth Wellington talks to Adam Rutherford on BBC Radio 4 about how the agricultural use of antibiotics is contributing to the global spread of resistance to them on this week's Inside Science: 

Fri 13 Oct 2017, 11:23 | Tags: TV/Radio Faculty of Science

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