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Expert Comment

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New offence of 'upskirting' comes into force - expert comment

A new criminal offence of 'upskirting' comes into force today following a successful campaign by Gina Martin to change the law. Dr Laura Lammasniemi from Warwick Law School comments on the crime, and the wider problems of image and technology-based abuse.

Knife crime is 'a complex issue': expert comment from Dr Michael Wyness

Police commissioners in the UK have claimed that pupils excluded from school are being drawn into knife crime. Dr Michael Wyness from the Centre for Education Studies has commented on these claims, and other possible causes for the ongoing rise in knife crime.

Thu 07 Mar 2019, 10:40 | Tags: Centre for Education Studies, Education, crime

Dr Abdullah Sahin on the London Islamic Centre attack

Dr Abdullah Sahin, expert in Islamic Education in the Centre for Education Studies, comments on the car attack outside an Islamic Centre in north London during a time of spiritual significance in both the Islamic and Hebrew calendars.

Wed 19 Sept 2018, 15:59 | Tags: Islam, News, Religion, Terrorism, crime, racism

Professor Ian Robertson tackles the question of why identity theft is on the increase

As statistics from anti-fraud organisation Cifas show identity theft reaching “epidemic levels”, expert in information security Professor Ian Robertson comments on why this problem is increasing and how it can be tackled.

Wed 23 Aug 2017, 12:11 | Tags: Cyber security, crime

Barclays fraud charge - a strong warning about white collar crime

Barclays PLC and four former executives have been charged with fraud over their actions in the 2008 financial crisis. The Serious Fraud Office case relates to billions of pounds the bank raised from Qatari investors, enabling it to avoid a government bailout. Juan Gozzi Valdez, Assistant Professor, Economics briefly comments

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