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Professor Richard Napier on government response to the independent review of labour shortages in the food supply chain

“The reply highlights the role automation must play in the future success of UK fresh produce production. Warwick Agri-Tech is already bringing the power of our high-value manufacturing sector to this challenging area. By working in collaboration with crop scientists at Warwick Crop Centre we will be drawing on biocontrol and plant genetic solutions in conjunction with AI and automation to help push the government’s priorities towards quality home-grown fruit and veg.”

Fri 10 May 2024, 16:08

Professor Lawrence Young on the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine being withdrawn

"It’s important to get some perspective on this decision. The Oxford/AZ vaccine saved millions of lives. It was produced at a time when we knew little about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and were in desperate need of a vaccine to prevent severe disease. This vaccine was crucial to the global fight against COVID-19."

Wed 08 May 2024, 16:18

Dr Louise Davis on three-year project to analyse the impact of music on people with dementia

"As a GP and musician, I have noticed that patients with dementia are often able to sing a song perfectly, even when they have nearly lost the ability to talk. Music has a special place to play in the management of dementia, as those parts of the brain involved in music memory are not affected by the disease in the same way as the rest of the brain so, for those living with dementia, music has the potential to bring joy, reduce loneliness and stress."

Wed 08 May 2024, 13:42 | Tags: WMS

Dr James Gill on personalised ZOE 'anti-diet' regime

"Frankly, I view this this study outcome as a strong indicator that the NHS should look towards more personalised approach to dietary advice rather than the current generic one size fits all with regard to dealing with the health emergency which is obesity. We already have targeted interventions with regard to the DESMOND referrals for early diabetes which has a positive outcomes for patients. To quote an often deployed public health quote, this study suggests we really should look at allocating funds to help people “stop falling into the river in the first place, rather than spending money on pulling them out”

Wed 08 May 2024, 12:33 | Tags: WMS

Professor Don Pollacco on the Eta Aquarid meteor shower

"The Eta Aquarid meteor shower, so called because the radiant is in the constellation of Aquarius, occurs when the Earth crosses through the orbit of a comet called Halley."

Fri 03 May 2024, 11:55 | Tags: Physics, Space, astronomy, astrophysics

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