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Past present and future: learning lessons about child sexual abuse and exploitation from the Savile and Hall enquiries

Associate Professor Christine Harrison from the Centre for Lifelong Learning shares her thoughts on the Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall investigation, in light of the Dame Janet Smith review...

Professor Nigel Driffield from the Warwick Business School shares some thoughts on the chancellor inviting China to bid for HS2 contracts

The first issue to address is whether this is seeking to attract trade or foreign investment. The wording of the text is that they want Chinese companies to tender for certain parts of the infrastructure, which essentially suggests trade – ie importing sub-assemblies, components, even trains from China (or the lines themselves).

Dr Adam Boddison answers the question, is the increase of parental prosecutions for school truancy something that as a society we should be worried about?

Dr Adam Boddison is Director of the University of Warwick’s Centre for Professional Education (CPE) responding to news that school truancies have led to a rise in prosecution of parents, he said,

"The increase of parental prosecutions for school truancy seems to be a worrying trend, particularly given the fact that a significant number of the children truanting are not ducking out of classes in the traditional sense of truancy, but are actually missing school to attend family holidays. Is this something that as a society we should be worried about?"

Wed 12 Aug 2015, 11:19 | Tags: United Kingdom, News, Expert comment, CPE, Education

Why the ‘Disappeared’ is perhaps the most difficult Pandora’s box for Irish republicans – Kevin Hearty

Kevin Hearty, from Warwick Law School, researches transitional justice, with a very specific focus on Northern Ireland. He reacts to news that ivestigators have uncovered remains in a search for one of the "Disappeared".

Fri 26 Jun 2015, 12:28 | Tags: United Kingdom, Expert comment, History, Law

Labour and the Conservatives have no incentive to change electoral system, says Prof Wyn Grant

"The difficulty with replacing the current electoral system is that when the electorate were offered the possibility of a modest change in a referendum they decisively rejected it". - Professor Wyn Grant, University of Warwick.

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