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Dr Mike Tildesley: How infectious measles really is.

The measure for how infectious a disease is, known as R0, for measles is higher than 10 whereas COVID (dependent upon the variant) was much lower, around less than 5.

Mon 22 Jan 2024, 11:39

Dr James Gill: Measles outbreak

I have recently become a father, so my academic knowledge that Andrew Wakefield lied about the MMR vaccine, fabricating side effects which is does not have, purely for financial gain makes me livid given that he has directly contributed to the deaths of children due to his lies. I won’t even describe it as misinformation.

Fri 19 Jan 2024, 15:53

Dr Briony Jones: Comment on calls for seized Russian assets to go to Ukraine

Calls from the Ukrainian President Zelensky for seized Russian assets to be used in the efforts to rebuild Ukraine have been met with mixed reactions.

Fri 19 Jan 2024, 15:26

Dr Jonathan Clarke: UK's latest named storm, Isha

Another named storm is yet another reminder, that the UK urgently needs a better plan for improving infrastructure and flood defences if we are to make our communities and country more resilient to a changing climate.

Fri 19 Jan 2024, 14:05

Tom Hemingway comments on BAFTA nominations

This year’s BAFTA film nominations feature the usual mixture of expected nods and surprising snubs.

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