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When three worlds collide: choreography, academia and the world of Bridgerton

The Netflix series Bridgerton is one of the most-watched television programmes of all time. it tells the story of an imaginary family, in an imaginary world which looks like Georgian England. Dr Heidi Ashton, assistant choreographer for the series, talks about her experience and explains some of the creative processes involved in mashing the modern with the fashions of the period.

Fri 02 Apr 2021, 00:00 | Tags: Arts & Culture Film & TV Psychology Theatre & Performance

Five things you (probably) didn’t know about pantomime dames

The dame is everyone's favourite part of panto! But how did the tradition start and when did she first appear? Here's five things you - probably - didn't know about the dame.

Let's be as kind as we can to each other: a profile of filmmaker Lucy Brydon

Lucy Brydon is a director, a screenwriter, a teacher, a published author, and releases her debut feature film, Body of Water, this month.

Fri 16 Oct 2020, 11:49 | Tags: Arts & Culture Film & TV Literature Theatre & Performance

Connecting two cultures: Different chapter - same complex story

James Hodkinson is an expert in German literature and history. No, not that bit of German history. His focus is on pre-20th Century Germany’s relationship with Islam.

'Such Dignity And a Marvellous Face': Kirsten Flagstad Remembered

Best known for her Wagnerian roles, opera singer Kirsten Flagstad was an overnight sensation when she made her debut at the New York Met in 1935. Dr Tim Lockley provides an insight into the modest Norwegian whose husband’s connections with the Nazis would blight her US career, but whose voice continued to captivate audiences, even into her sixties.

Sun 01 Jul 2012, 09:00 | Tags: Arts & Culture History Theatre & Performance

Dickens and Shakespeare

One aspect of Dickens's life not especially touched on was his effort to preserve Shakespeare's memory in the playwright's home county of Warwickshire. Dr Charlotte Matheison, Professor Stanley Wells and the Rev. Dr Paul Edmondson explore Dickens's special relationship with Shakespeare's birthplace.

Sun 01 Apr 2012, 09:00 | Tags: Arts & Culture Literature Theatre & Performance

Art and the City

Philosopher Henri Lefebvre predicted that the future of art would not be artistic, but urban. As Dr Nicolas Whybrow asks, how can art not be artistic? In this interview, Dr Whybrow examines how art can shift from inside institutions and onto the city streets.

Mon 01 Nov 2010, 09:00 | Tags: Arts & Culture History of Art Theatre & Performance