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NAGTY @ Warwick 2003 - Getting to Know Engineering

During the summer school, I took part in the engineering course. Our project was to design a Light Rail Transit System (LRTS) to run between the University of Warwick and Coventry City Centre. There were many things we needed to think about: route; vehicle designs and colours; the service times; and the costs.

Tue 27 Jul 2004, 15:15 | Tags: Study, Education, Engineering, University Affairs

Warwick Lowry Lecture

Outgoing TUC General Secretary, John Monks, took the opportunity of the Warwick Lowry Lecture held on 17 March to look both forward and backward to reflect on changes in trade unions' attitudes to Europe and the influence that the European Union has had on employment relations in Britain.
Mon 26 Jul 2004, 10:29 | Tags: Business, Education, Economics, Engineering, University Affairs

Warwick Spin-Off Company Secures Funding Through Connect Midlands

A Warwick University spin-off company has successfully secured funding for their digital imaging invention thanks to a program designed to bring technology companies and the investment community closer together.

Thu 22 Jul 2004, 14:52 | Tags: Business Members, Business, Economics, Engineering, Computer Science

Duke of York praises WMG Researchers' work

Researchers Vinesh Raja and Kiran Fernandes, from the Warwick Manufacturing Group, were selected to represent the regional development authority, Advantage West Midlands, at the International Information Technology trade conference CeBIT 2002. This British Trade initiative highlighted both the cutting edge research in innovative computer technologies and the expertise the researchers had to offer to the international audience of academicians and technocrats.
Wed 21 Jul 2004, 09:46 | Tags: Engineering

CRI catalyst collaboration with Warwick Process Technology Group

The research consortium has now received £2.5million in European funding to work up their lab based solution into larger prototypes. Eventually the research team’s "plated membrane reactors" could be built as small industrial units, no bigger than a large room in some cases, and added directly to the sites of sewage plants or paper mills.
Wed 21 Jul 2004, 08:36 | Tags: Research, Business, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry

The National Business to Business Centre

The creation by the Warwick Manufacturing Group and the DTI of The National B2B Centre demonstrates the importance of e-business in today’s commercial environment and the potential benefits to the UK’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

e-Engineering Demonstrator

Researchers at Warwick Manufacturing Group have developed an e-Engineering demonstrator which highlights the importance of using electronic technologies to communicate in a manufacturing domain.

Wed 14 Jul 2004, 10:51 | Tags: Business Members, Business, Engineering, University Affairs

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