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Low wages not education to blame for skills gap
Low wages rather than inadequate training are to blame for the STEM skills gap, according to research from the University of Warwick.
Public Festival of the Imagination marks 50 years of University of Warwick :
A TV chef, a pioneer of Coventry’s musical heritage and a polar explorer and will be helping to highlight the contribution the University of Warwick has made at home and abroad since it was established 50 years ago.
Secrets of a nations happiness revealed at Warwick Arts Centre
A happiness economist will be trying to uncover the secrets behind a nation’s wellbeing at a public talk next month.
Alumni Knowledge Exchange 2011
The Knowledge Exchange takes place on the University campus on Saturday 21 May and brings together a programme of exciting and interactive talks, discussions, workshops and entertainment. This event will share and discuss world-class thinking from the University and our wider community. All alumni are welcome, along with family and friends.
TEDx Warwick 2011
TEDx Warwick takes place on Saturday 5th March with an array of inspirational talks by prominent speakers from around the globe.