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Switch It Off 2008

The third annual Switch It Off campaign is running now, and will culminate in the Big Switch Off on Friday 24th October from 4.30pm to 6.30pm. Central Networks will monitor the energy consumption across the region at this time and it is hoped that a demonstrable "dip" in consumption will be realised.

Last year the Big Switch Off was supported by thousands of people across Warwickshire, Coventry and Worcestershire, achieving a reduction of 74 mega Watts of electricity (the equivalent of switching off the electricity in over 15,000 three-bed detached houses for a year, or switching off 50 wind turbines for one hour). Different initiatives in Warwickshire to support Switch It Off week include Universally Challenge, Council Staff Switch Off, and Children's Centres Big Bulb giveaway.


To find out more about what Warwick is doing to support Switch It Off, visit