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In memory of former Vice-Chancellor, Professor David Vande Linde

Portrait of Professor David VandeLinde by John Keane

The University of Warwick is deeply saddened to hear that the former Vice-Chancellor, Professor David VandeLinde, has recently passed away.

Professor VandeLinde was Warwick's Vice-Chancellor between 2001 to 2006 and led the University through a period of rapid growth, developing international partnerships and fundraising streams which went onto generate millions of pounds to support lower income students.

During his tenure, the University acquired the Horticultural Research Institute (HRI) to form Warwick HRI, opening up a new specialist area for Warwick, as well as a new campus at Wellesbourne. A new Mathematics and Statistics Building opened on campus in the same year.

Warwick Medical School had meanwhile been established in 2000, shortly before David joined as Vice-Chancellor, and it continued to grow and develop under his leadership. He appointed WMS’ first Dean in 2004, and University Hospital Coventry opened two years later.

On the national stage, he established the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth (NAGTY) at Warwick, a government backed programme aimed at high-achieving secondary students in England.

He also encouraged Warwick to develop an enhanced international strategy and to forge closer links with its local community. In July 2005, the University played host to the International Children’s Games, bringing over 1300 young competitors to campus.

As an American student and academic, Professor VandeLinde understood the importance of effective university fundraising, and of nurturing the alumni base – raising donations to support student scholarships, as well as securing funding for research and for campus facilities.

He appointed the University’s first Director of Development, beginning a process that, in just the last five years, has seen some 4,500 donors give over £32.8million donations to Warwick.

Professor VandeLinde, who was born in Charleston, West Virginia, enjoyed a highly successful academic career in electrical engineering. He crossed the Atlantic in 1992 to become the University of Bath's Vice-Chancellor and left eight years later to take up the top job at Warwick.

He returned to the United States after his retirement, with his wife Margie, who sadly passed away in 2017.

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Stuart Croft, said: “We were deeply saddened to hear about David’s passing and our hearts go out to his family, friends and former colleagues.

“He led Warwick through a period of rapid growth, change and innovation – helping to further cement our place as one of the UK’s best universities, and growing our reputation as a global academic powerhouse, as well as building closer ties with our local communities.

“Perhaps his greatest legacy will be the way he introduced fundraising and philanthropy programmes at Warwick, which went on to help fund places for so many young people over the years, as well as financing numerous campus improvements and research projects. He will be fondly remembered here at Warwick.”

Thu 03 Aug 2023, 09:59