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Morgan car lovers first to benefit from High Dynamic Range Television’s arrival on domestic TV

HDR video captures a wider range of light intensity levels found in real scenes ranging from direct sunlight to lowlight images and thanks to a partnership between Researchers at WMG, University of Warwick, goHDR Ltd. and Altera® Toronto Technology Center the technology has now been developed to create an embedded system that can be connected to existing domestic televisions, allowing them to display High Dynamic Range (HDR) content.  

Wed 07 Sep 2011, 09:53 | Tags: Sciences, Business Members

Leading Marketing Academic Joins WMG at the University of Warwick

WMG at the University of Warwick have just appointed Professor Irene Ng as Professor of Marketing and Service Systems. Irene was the founder and director of the Centre for Service Research and the Professor of Marketing Science at the University of Exeter’s Business School as well as an ESRC/AIM Services Fellow.

Thu 11 Aug 2011, 11:27 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

US & UK researchers meet to consider how to protect new science without excluding developing world

The University of Warwick and Boston University are joining together to hold a gathering of US and UK researchers, science based businesses, and related organizations that will explore how to create legal means of protecting new science and innovations without the costs of the products and licenses shutting out the developing world.

Mon 08 Aug 2011, 11:50 | Tags: Sciences, Business Members

Lord Bhattacharyya tells Financial Times that we need new bank to back manufacturing

WMG Director Professor Lord Bhattacharyya has given an extensive interview to the Financial Times Manufacturing Editor Peter Marsh calling on the Government to create a new Bank to back manufacturing. He said the new institution was needed to establish a “change of culture” towards manufacturing businesses by conventional banks which he accused of being too “short-term” in their approach.

Tue 02 Aug 2011, 13:08 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

Royal Academy of Engineering and Tata Steel establish new Chair at University of Warwick

Tata Steel RD&T and the Royal Academy of Engineering are jointly funding a new Chair for research into Low Carbon Materials Technology at WMG at the University of Warwick. The two partners will put £600,000 into the new Research Chair.

Mon 25 Jul 2011, 13:50 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

Warwick wins £1.7 million research grant to help “cooltronics”

The University of Warwick Department of Physics has been awarded a prestigious five-year grant to the sum of £1.7 million for “Creating Silicon Based Platforms for New Technologies”. The initiative will open up new technologies ranging from energy harvesting to “cooltronics”, enable zero-power electronics and could be key to combating global climate change. 

Wed 13 Jul 2011, 11:00 | Tags: Environment, Sciences, Business Members

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