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Christmas dinner saved! Sprouts gain natural disease defence

Brussels sprouts will remain safely in our Christmas dinners, thanks to University of Warwick research giving them natural defences against devastating crop diseases.

Warwick and Waitrose tackle global food security together

Food security is at the heart of a new doctoral training collaboration between the University of Warwick and Waitrose, thanks to an award from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).

Plants remember stress to help protect themselves

A new generation of plants better adapted to mitigate the effects of environmental change could be created following a fundamental step towards understanding how plants are able to retain a memory of stress exposure.

Brexit could place British farming in jeopardy warns new report

The future of many UK farming businesses looks uncertain, according to a new report on the agricultural implications of leaving the EU written by a University of Warwick academic.

Legacy of Warwickshire’s first Woman High Sheriff helps University of Warwick tackle global food security

A trust set up by Elizabeth Creak, a leading Warwickshire farmer who was the first woman to be High Sheriff of Warwickshire, has announced that it has agreed to fund a Chair in Food Security at the University of Warwick’s School of Life Sciences.

RSV study suggests a ‘sibling vaccine’ could prevent deaths of babies worldwide

New research from the University of Warwick into a common virus which can be fatal for babies under six months suggests a strategy of vaccinating older siblings could reduce deaths and serious illness in young babies.

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