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Celebrating 75 years of the Crop Centre’s pioneering agriculture research

The University of Warwick is celebrating 75 years of plant science research at its internationally recognised Crop Centre – the UK’s leading research facility for vegetable growers.

British grown baked beans ‘in the can’ thanks to University of Warwick Scientist

The University of Warwick’s British grown baked beans have progressed to the tinning phase, a pivotal step in their journey orchestrated by Warwick’s Professor Eric Holub.

Wed 29 Nov 2023, 10:39 | Tags: agriculture, School of Life Sciences, Beans

Farmer behaviour plays crucial role in managing livestock diseases

New research has highlighted the crucial role farmers play in managing livestock diseases.

Wed 13 Sep 2023, 15:56 | Tags: agriculture, Mathematics, research, zeeman institute, farming

National Organic Month: The University of Warwick’s pioneering research into low-input farming from the crop centre

During National Organic Month, the University of Warwick's Crop Centre takes a pioneering stance in the realm of low-input farming, shedding light on the concept of 'organic farming.'

Fri 01 Sep 2023, 09:40 | Tags: agriculture, crop centre, crops, farming

Robocrop: The robot assistants helping farmers to increase productivity

The future of farming could involve robots– as farmers seek to address labour shortages and increase crop yields.

Increase homegrown fruit and veg and add £0.5bn to the economy say scientists – as we reel from supermarket shortages

As the UK reels from recent fruit and vegetable shortages, scientists are advising how to increase homegrown produce – benefitting the economy and the environment.

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