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Solar physicist receives prestigious award for driving understanding of the Sun

A University of Warwick scientist known for his work on the behaviour of the Sun’s corona is being recognised for his contribution to astrophysics.

Mon 15 Jan 2024, 10:05 | Tags: Physics, research, Space, Sciences

Astronomers make rare exoplanet discovery – and a giant leap in detecting Earth-like bodies

Astronomers have made the rare discovery of a small, cold exoplanet and its massive outer companion – shedding light on the formation of planets like Earth.

Thu 11 Jan 2024, 09:35 | Tags: Physics, Astrophysics, research, Space, Stars, astronomy, Sciences

What fireworks can teach us about the sky at night

With New Years Eve on the horizon, scientists reveal just why fireworks are differently coloured and what this can teach us about stars in space.

Elements commonly found in salts are used to make the colours in fireworks. The colours are caused when the elements are heated, causing them to release light in different colours, from bright blues to deep reds.

Sun 31 Dec 2023, 09:00 | Tags: Chemistry, Space, Stars, astronomy

MAKE WAY FOR SANTA: British Researchers Combatting Space Junk Ahead of Christmas

The expanding clutter in space, driven by an influx of orbiting satellites, poses a significant challenge. This surge in space traffic is accelerating the build-up of discarded satellite parts, rocket remnants, and other fragments of debris, threatening critical spacecraft. Committed to tackling this issue, experts at the University of Warwick are studying these burgeoning hazards to safeguard our satellite infrastructure – and of course, make the path clear for Father Christmas.

Mon 18 Dec 2023, 08:42 | Tags: Christmas, Space, Space Junk

First JWST observations of a ‘Kilonova’ merger of two stars

For the first time, the JWST has observed the rare merger of two dense neutron stars (known as a kilonova) – in a spiral galaxy a billion light years away.

Wed 25 Oct 2023, 16:13 | Tags: Physics, Astrophysics, research, Space, astronomy, Sciences

Dust cloud from two colliding ice planets dims light of parent star


For the first time, an international group of astronomers have seen the heat glow of two giant ice planets colliding, and the resultant dust cloud move in front of the parent star several years later.

Thu 12 Oct 2023, 08:55 | Tags: Space, Sciences

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