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Warwick research inspires new work by international artist and campaigner

A research project led by Professor Vicki Squire of the University of Warwick’s Department of Politics and International Studies has inspired a new artwork, Routes to Peace?, by international artist and activist Salma Zulfiqar.

D-Day: The King Who Fooled Hitler

Research by Professor Richard Aldrich of Warwick’s Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) played a central part in a new Channel 4 documentary, broadcast this weekend, exploring how British intelligence enlisted the Royal Family as part of its scheme to mislead the Nazis about plans for the liberation of Europe.

Extraordinary president, ordinary presidency: New book evaluates the achievements of the Trump administration

President Trump’s refusal to play the Washington game pleases his base but limits his ability to fulfil his campaign promises.  It’s just one of the many reasons this extraordinary president is delivering a very ordinary presidency, according to a new book from US politics experts Dr Jon Herbert, Dr Trevor McCrisken, and Dr Andrew Wroe. The Ordinary Presidency of Donald J. Trump is one of the first rigorous studies of the 45th president. The authors explore Trump’s election and track record since his inauguration and weigh his achievements both against those of his predecessors in office and against his own hyperbolic claims.

The ‘Obama Doctrine’ in foreign policy – un-American isolationism, or a pragmatic response to changing priorities?

In a new book published today, Dr Georg Löfflmann explores American identity, US foreign policy and national security during the Obama presidency, and asks whether the ‘Obama Doctrine’ was an effective response to the tension between an increasingly multi-polar world and a US elite still convinced that America has a unique call to global dominance.

The very model of a post-heroic major general: New book investigates how military leaders make decisions

In a new book launched this week, Professor Anthony King from the University of Warwick Department of Politics and International Studies explores how military command has adapted to the demands of twenty-first century warfare.

Lessons from Latin America for the international order - new thinking is needed, argues expert

As the post-war international order, rooted in multilateral co-operation and underpinned by US leadership, comes under threat from the rise of authoritarian powers and a retreat into nationalism, scholars and diplomats are being urged to pay closer attention to the experience of Latin American states as a way to better understand the way forward for international relations.

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