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EUTOPIA takes major step towards integration with new mobility agreement

This week, a mobility agreement was signed between EUTOPIA's six founding universities: the University of Warwick, Pompeu Fabra University, CY Cergy Paris University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Gothenburg, and Univerza v Ljubljani.

£2.6m Turing award will help over 1000 Warwick students study and work abroad

The UK Government has announced today (4 August 2021) that the University of Warwick will be awarded £2.6 million for international student mobility, as part of the inaugural Turing Scheme.

EUTOPIA Week: inclusivity, mobility, and community in European HE

Students, researchers, and staff from the EUTOPIA network of six European universities will come together this month for the second EUTOPIA Week, hosted virtually by founding member the University of Warwick.

Black history and 2D ‘wonder’ materials researched by European PhD scholars at Warwick

Black heritage, British political satire, ovarian cancer, and two-dimensional ‘wonder’ materials — all of these are subjects that will be researched by the second cohort of pan-European co-tutelle PhD scholars at the University of Warwick.

EUTOPIA already co-teaching European PhDs as Erasmus+ project commences

EUTOPIA, a next-generation teaching and research community of six European universities, which was successful in its selection to be part of the Erasmus+ ‘European Universities’ Programme this year, officially begins its project today, 1st December 2019.


EUTOPIA European university alliance awarded €5m by Erasmus+

EUTOPIA, an established alliance of six European universities that exists to create a connected and inclusive community addressing global and local challenges, has been successful in its bid for a €5m grant from the Erasmus+ ‘European Universities’ programme.

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