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Degrees still a worthwhile investment says new study

Most employed university leavers are in graduate-level jobs four years after graduation, a research study into the early careers of graduates revealed today by reseachers in the University of Warwick's Institute for Employment Research
Thu 27 Oct 2005, 14:04 | Tags: Education, Business Members

AWM Chair in Triple Midland Tour of £70 million 200 Company Programme

Nick Paul, Chairman of Advantage West Midlands is to make a special tour of Midlands’ manufacturers to see for himself the results Advantage West Midlands support for the £70 million Premium Auto Research and Development Program at WMG at the University of Warwick.
Fri 14 Oct 2005, 14:40 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

UK Robot Investment Mirrors England Football World Cup Performance

Pundits desperately searching for explanations for the England football team's world cup qualifying performance will find striking parallels with the latest figures for the UK's performance in investment in commercial robots, according to researchers at the University of Warwick.
Thu 13 Oct 2005, 10:25 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

Midlands manufacturers urged to turn to £6 billion health market

The University of Warwick's Warwick Manufacturing Group are launching a new programme to help West Midlands manufacturing companies tap into the massive relatively new and fast growing health technology manufacturing market that a recent Government report valued as worth up to £6 billion in the UK alone.
Fri 14 Jan 2005, 15:26 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

UK Manufacturing Sees Highest Ever Robot Sales

The British Automation and Robot Association (BARA) based at the University of Warwick have announced record sales of robots within the UK for the third quarter of 2004. With 507 robots sold this is the highest number on record and shows that significant investment in manufacturing in the UK is still taking place.
Mon 18 Oct 2004, 11:39 | Tags: Business Members

Adecco Founds Research Fellowship at the University of Warwick to study Chinese Labour Markets

Adecco, the world's largest HR Services company, announces the foundation of the Adecco Research Fellowship at the University of Warwick. The Adecco Research Fellowship will provide funding for two outstanding academic researchers from China to work in the Employment Law Research Unit of the University of Warwick, carrying out extensive research into the Chinese labour market, the largest potential employment market in the world.
Thu 07 Oct 2004, 13:50 | Tags: Law, Business and Management, Business Members

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