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Press Releases

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Study highlights new link between gene fusion and bladder and brain cancer

A study by the University of Warwick sheds new light on gene fusion in bladder and brain cancer.

Researchers have found that a previously overlooked part of a specific gene fusion has a worsening effect on cancer cells. They have also found that preventing cell ‘signalling’ from this particular fusion may not be an effective route for future cancer treatment research.

Wed 30 Aug 2017, 09:55 | Tags: Health, cell biology, research, cancer, WMS, Health and Medicine

Maria and her Superhero son raise money for Warwick Cancer Research Centre

A University of Warwick employee and her disabled son have taken part in the Superhero Triathlon to raise money for Warwick Cancer Research Centre.

Wed 23 Aug 2017, 12:59 | Tags: Health, medicine, research, cancer, WMS, Fundraising, Health and Medicine

Thousands donated to cancer research at the University of Warwick

Cancer research in the region has received a boost thanks to the former Lord Mayor of Coventry Cllr Lindsley Harvard. This week he handed over £8,500 to the centre which was raised by a number of fundraising events throughout the year and by local groups and individuals also showed their support for the charities with sponsored events, collections and donations.

Cancer cells detected more accurately in hospital with artificial intelligence

Cancer cells are to be detected and classified more efficiently and accurately, using ground-breaking artificial intelligence – thanks to a new collaboration between the University of Warwick, Intel Corporation, the Alan Turing Institute and University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust (UHCW).

Research into tumour cells begins at University of Warwick

The University of Warwick has started research to understand the cause of brain tumours.

Thu 27 Apr 2017, 15:57 | Tags: cell biology, Brain, Awards, cancer, WMS

Organo-metal compound seen killing cancer cells from inside

Researchers have witnessed - for the first time - cancer cells being targeted and destroyed from the inside, by an organo-metal compound discovered by the University of Warwick.

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