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Warwick Biochemist awarded eight-year Fellowship for research into antibiotic drug resistance

Dr Melissa Webby, a biochemist from the University of Warwick, has been awarded a prestigious Wellcome Career Development Award, to undertake world class research into new approaches to combat antimicrobial drug resistance.

The enigma of embryonic development: how certain animals trim their genomes

New research is underway to decipher a fascinating biological puzzle—how some animals can naturally discard more than half of their genetic information during embryonic development.

Cool as ice: How new research is helping scientists preserve cells

A method to store advanced cell models has been developed by researchers at the University of Warwick.

Pathogen mapped for the first time – to understand evolution and potential treatments

A parasite which has devasting impacts on agriculture and human health is the first pathogen to have its proteins located and mapped within its cells – providing clues to their function and helping to identify potential drug targets.

Can super-speedy plant cells feed a growing population?

New research will investigate whether specialised plant “train tracks” that move molecules in cells could help feed the growing population.

Wed 22 Mar 2023, 09:25 | Tags: cell biology, farming, Life Sciences, Plants, School of Life Sciences

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