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Coventry’s Affordable Very Light Rail Track Unveiled

· As part of Coventry Very Light Rail (VLR), Coventry City Council’s flagship transport project, a novel track form has been designed and manufactured by researchers from WMG, University of Warwick, together with their design partners Ingerop/Rendel.

China welcomes world’s largest scenario database for autonomous vehicle safety

The Safety PoolTM Scenario Database, the largest public repository of scenarios for testing autonomous vehicles in the world — led by WMG at the University of Warwick and Deepen AI —will now be used in China, thanks to a new partnership with Automotive Data of China, a subsidiary of the China Automotive Technology and Research Center (CATARC).

WMG battery vision powers into life with formal launch of UK Battery Industrialisation Centre

Margot James, Executive Chair and Dave Greenwood, Professor of Advanced Propulsion Systems from WMG, at the University of Warwick, were delighted today (15 July 2021), to be invited to the official opening of the UK Battery industrialisation Centre by The Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP, Prime Minister - bringing to reality a vision first set out by WMG in 2016.

Thu 15 Jul 2021, 15:11 | Tags: automotive, WMG, Engineering, Batteries

First International safety standard for fully automated driving systems has been published

The use of low speed automated driving systems can contribute to reduction of congestion and carbon emissions all over the world, however the enrolment of such systems has been hampered by the lack of safety standards, until now; as an international group of experts led by WMG, University of Warwick working as part of an ISO technical committee have published the first international safety standard for level 4 automated driving systems.

Thu 08 Jul 2021, 14:31 | Tags: automotive, WMG, autonomous vehicles, Sciences

University of Warwick and WMG already on route with today’s CBI demand for “Greener Miles”

Future VLR vehicle on tour of Coventry

The University of Warwick is not just backing today’s CBI report ‘Greener Miles: Delivering on a net-zero vision for commuting’ – which calls on businesses to shoulder greater responsibility for ensuring their workers adopting greener travel habits – it has already taken action with a two year extensive programme to cut personal car use on campus and therefore reduce emissions.

Fri 30 Apr 2021, 09:33 | Tags: automotive, cars, WMG, Environment, autonomous vehicles, Batteries, VLR, transport

World’s largest public scenario database for testing and assuring safe Autonomous Vehicle deployments

The Safety PoolTM Scenario Database, the largest public repository of scenarios for testing autonomous vehicles in the world, has been launched today by WMG at the University of Warwick, and Deepen AI.

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