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How Trump's presidency could affect UK SMEs

Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the US on Friday and his term in office could have economic repercussions for the global economy. Stephen Roper, Professor of Enterprise and Director of the Enterprise Research Centre, considers what it could mean for the UK's 5.2 million small and medium-sized companies.

Thu 19 Jan 2017, 14:42 | Tags: WBS, Business

Digital Health forum aiming to transform healthcare

Warwick Business School, alongside Cambridge Centre for Digital Innovation, is working to break down the silos that are blocking a much-needed digital transformation inhealthcare by bringing stakeholders together to discuss the many issues at its Digital Health 2017: Transforming lives by innovating healthcare forum on January 17.

Tue 17 Jan 2017, 14:15 | Tags: Warwick Business School, WBS

Data reveals more managers boost hospital performance

Ian Kirkpatrick, Professor of Healthcare Improvement & Implementation Science, will reveal how data shows hospitals in England need more managers not less to improve performance at Acute & General Medicine 2016.

Tue 22 Nov 2016, 15:58 | Tags: WBS

Call for urgent co-ordinated action on UK energy

Michael Bradshaw, Professor of Global Energy, has co-authored a report for the UK Energy Research Centre calling for urgent action during this Parliament to ensure a co-ordinated, cross-Government approach to energy.

Thu 17 Nov 2016, 11:27 | Tags: WBS, Business

WBS partners NIESR to build new UK statistical centre

Warwick Business School has partnered the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) to develop the new Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE) for the Office of National Statistics (ONS), following a tender process.

Mon 14 Nov 2016, 14:48 | Tags: Statistics, WBS, Business, Economics and Finance

How Trump's victory could affect UK SMEs

Donald Trump's shock election as President of the US could have economic repercussions for the global economy. Here Stephen Roper, Professor of Enterprise and Director of the Enterprise Research Centre, reveals what it could mean for the UK's 5.2 million small and medium-sized companies.

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