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Professor Lord Bhattacharyya welcomes Lord Heseltine’s report on growth to improve the UK’s ability to create wealth

WMG's founder and chairman, Professor Lord Bhattacharyya welcomes Lord Heseltine's report 'No stone unturned in the pursuit of growth' which sets out a comprehensive plan to improve the UK's ability to create wealth. Professor Lord Bhattacharyya was consulted in the development of the report.

Wed 31 Oct 2012, 11:57 | Tags: Business and Management

Researchers Give Halloween Help To Derek the Demon

Researchers from WMG at the University of Warwick have helped Walsall Museum by creating a 21st century clone of a centuries old Demon head just in time for Halloween.

Mon 29 Oct 2012, 14:04 | Tags: Business and Management

Professor James Mitchell tells BBC News the UK is still in choppy waters despite positive GDP figures

Professor James Mitchell told BBC News that underlying UK growth remains flat despite positive GDP figures announced on Thursday morning.

Industry expert Dr Monica Giulietti is concerned regulator Ofgem's proposals could lead to higher energy prices

Industry expert Dr Monica Giulietti has questioned whether regulator Ofgem's proposals to force energy companies to offer fewer tariffs will actually lead to lower retail prices.

Tue 23 Oct 2012, 10:24 | Tags: WBS, Economics and Finance, Business and Management

Pioneering 'Learning Lab' launched to improve effectiveness and uptake of digital technologies in the NHS

A major research facility aimed at creating more robust digital and innovative healthcare programmes for people living with life-threatening and chronic illnesses has been launched by the Institute of Digital Healthcare at the University of Warwick.

Warwick Business School Professor leading the debate on how to kick-start the Irish economy

Professor Stephen Roper has presented a major study to Irish powerbrokers to help the country lift itself out of recession. He revealed to a conference in Ireland that companies which received money from the Government saw sales of innovative products increase by five per cent.

Thu 18 Oct 2012, 15:02 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

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