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Vibrant and colourful Canley Parade to take place this weekend

This Saturday, 22nd June, hundreds of Canley residents will take to the streets for an exciting and multi-coloured procession for all ages.

University of Warwick’s first De-Stresstival sees over 1000 students helped during exam period

The University of Warwick proudly announces the successful completion of De-Stresstival, a unique cross-campus festival dedicated to promoting student wellbeing.

Mon 27 May 2024, 07:00 | Tags: Event, Students, Sport and Wellness Hub, wellbeing

Gold medallist joins charity netball tournament at the University of Warwick raising over £32,000

National cancer support charity Look Good Feel Better teamed up with England Netball to host its Annual Charity Netball Tournament at the University of Warwick, raising over £32,000 for people undergoing treatment for cancer.

Fri 22 Mar 2024, 14:00 | Tags: Event, Charity, cancer, fitness, Sport and Wellness Hub

University of Warwick celebrates Holi with spectacular colour party

The University of Warwick campus celebrated the beginning of spring this week with a Holi Colour Party.

Over 400 students celebrated in the traditional way by throwing brightly coloured powder at each other.

Fri 08 Mar 2024, 15:00 | Tags: Event, Students, Warwick Presents, Holi

Top university climbers to whizz up walls at The University of Warwick this weekend

The National Universities Lead and Speed Climbing Championships (NULSCC) event on Saturday 17th February is set to showcase some of the best UK climbing talent. Over 100 athletes from universities across the country will be taking part using the state-of-the-art climbing facilities at Warwick Sport and Wellness Hub, with the final rounds free to watch for public spectators

Revitalising Coventry’s Automotive legacy: University of Warwick experts lead Transport Museum Takeover to empower future innovators

Academics from departments across the University of Warwick will take over Coventry’s landmark Transport Museum for one day in July, and welcome 100 students from 10 local schools.

Mon 03 Jul 2023, 11:06 | Tags: Event, WMG, Coventry Transport Museum, widening participation

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