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Primary pupils visit Warwick for a taste of university

A very special graduation took place on Friday thanks to the partnership between the University of Warwick and national education charity, IntoUniversity. The graduation ceremony, for Y6 pupils from Frederick Bird Primary School in Coventry, marked the end of a five-day programme designed to give the youngsters a taste of what higher education is all about.

New research explores contemporary Muslim girlhoods in Assam, India

A new book by Warwick sociologist Dr Saba Hussain offers new insights into the nature of educational disadvantage experienced by Muslim girls in the Assam region of India.

Warwick Law School hosts Pakistan Human Rights delegation

A delegation from the National Commission for Human Rights, Pakistan, is visiting the University of Warwick to take part in a dialogue on the role of National Human Rights Institutions and a capacity building programme co-ordinated by Warwick Law School.