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Poetry in the City event to bring together Coventry creatives for City of Culture

The power of the written word is set to be the focus of a UK City of Culture event celebrating Coventry’s creative potential. The Words and Voices Roadshow: Poetry in the City event will welcome newcomers and the most experienced wordsmiths to a day of engaging workshops and performances at the Assembly Festival Gardens on Sunday, September 5.

Thu 19 Aug 2021, 14:27 | Tags: Poetry, Coventry, Coventry City of Culture 2021

Coventry lockdown arts project funded by universities now live

A showcase of work by Coventry artists, funded by the city’s universities and produced during lockdown, is now live for the public to view.

English Professor receives prestigious award for poetry

Professor David Morley from the English and Comparative Literary Studies Department at the University of Warwick has received a Cholmondeley Award for his body of work and for his contribution to poetry.

Wed 17 Aug 2016, 13:47 | Tags: Poetry, Awards, English

Unsigned female talent uncovered by African playwrights’ network

Unpublished women writers from across Africa are being given a platform thanks to an online network and established by a University of Warwick academic.

David Morley wins the Ted Hughes Award for his latest book of poems, ‘The Invisible Gift’

David Morley’s selected Poems, The Invisible Gift (Carcanet) has been chosen as the latest winner of The Poetry Society’s prestigious prize, the Ted Hughes Award for 2015.

Mon 04 Apr 2016, 10:22 | Tags: Literature, Poetry, Awards, Academic staff, English, Arts