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WMG welcomes Bridget Phillipson MP, Labour Shadow Education Secretary to mark National Apprenticeship Week 2022

Labour Shadow Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson MP visited the WMG Degree Apprenticeship Centre at the University of Warwick today (Thursday 10 February) to mark National Apprenticeship Week 2022.

Thu 10 Feb 2022, 18:36 | Tags: Religion, teaching, WMG, Visits, apprenticeships

New Research: Attending a Cathedral Christmas Carol Service makes you happy.

New research shows that attending a Cathedral Christmas Carol Service has a positive impact on mental health and well-being.

Neurocognitive basis for free will set out for the first time

Do human beings genuinely have free will? Philosophers and theologians have wrestled with this question for centuries and have set out the ‘design features’ of free will – but how do our brains actually fulfil them? A University of Warwick academic has answered this question for the first time in a paper published today in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Wed 31 Jul 2019, 11:37 | Tags: Religion, Brain, research, psychology, Philosophy

3rd Warwick Islamic Education Summer School explores Formation of Muslim Female Faith & Educational Leadership

The 3rd Warwick Islamic Education Summer School brought together an enthusiastic group of researchers, practitioners, and community activists representing diverse social, national, educational and linguistic traditions for three days of presentations, workshops and discussions focusing on Muslim female leadership.

Uk’s first access course in Islamic Education launched at Warwick

The UK’s first access course in Islamic Education has been launched by the Centre for Education Studies at the University of Warwick. The short course is designed to bridge the gap between traditional Islamic seminaries and modern higher education, and is especially relevant to Muslim educators, faith leaders and graduates of traditional Islamic seminaries who want to continue their professional and academic development.

Islamic Education research network launched at the University of Warwick

Researchers, practitioners and scholars in the field of Islamic education have launched a new international research network, under the umbrella of the Warwick Islamic Education Project, to share ideas and develop best practice in teaching Islam.

Fri 29 Sep 2017, 12:12 | Tags: Religion, Social Science, Islam, Education