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University of Warwick Student appointed to Office for Students’ Disability in Higher Education Advisory Board

The Office for Students has today announced the appointment of Josh Bradbury, a student within the Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) at the University of Warwick, to the Office for Students' Disability in Higher Education Advisory Board.

Fri 12 Apr 2024, 09:39 | Tags: disability, PAIS

Young disabled people experience institutional discrimination and stigmatisation in mainstream schools in England, research finds

New research by the University of Warwick has found that disabled young people in England experience institutional and structural discrimination in mainstream schools, with two thirds fewer achieving level 2 qualifications compared to non-disabled peers. Academics argue that these experiences are a key barrier to educational and occupational attainment.

Self-driving cars will be part of the future – but researchers fear we are leaving the disabled behind

Self-driving cars will be part of the future, but researchers fear people with disabilities are being left behind in the development of the technology.

Fri 22 Sep 2023, 11:58 | Tags: WMG, research, disability

Disability employment reporting should be mandatory says ReWAGE and Disability@Work

ReWAGE and Disability@Work have jointly responded to the government’s consultation on disability workforce reporting, which was launched in December 2021 to help inform and shape the government’s future approach. The response argues that while most government policy has focused on disabled people’s job-seeking activity and incentives to work, even the most positive measures will only prove effective if disabled people have jobs to go to.

Fri 08 Apr 2022, 12:58 | Tags: disability, work, ReWAGE

Disability gap in young people’s post-16 destinations and employment outcomes revealed by new analysis

Important differences in the post-16 pathways of disabled young people compared to those of their non-disabled peers have been revealed in a new working paper from University of Warwick researchers. The working paper also documents the impact of different types of disabilities, and shows that disability inequalities in post-16 destinations and economic activity in early adulthood are also influenced by social class, ethnicity, and gender.

Supporting the wellbeing of dads of disabled children

A group of Coventry and Warwickshire dads have created a set of online videos to help fathers of disabled children be the best dads that they can be. They worked with Dr Emma Langley, a family researcher in Education Studies, to capture their experiences and create a resource aimed at supporting the wellbeing of other fathers raising a disabled child. The online resources, designed by dads for dads, will be launched on Wednesday 31 March.

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