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ReWAGE - Renewing Work Advisory Group of Experts



Building a business case for good jobs

New research, Building a business case for good jobs: The links between Good Work and innovation, productivity and employee health/wellbeingLink opens in a new window, from the University of Warwick commissioned by the Labour Relations Agency of Northern Ireland has found that employee ownership of businesses can increase staff wellbeing, productivity and innovation. The report is supported with a Policy BriefLink opens in a new window and Case StudiesLink opens in a new window report.

A new paper examines how high-quality jobs can increase innovation and productivity. It found that higher pay does motivate workers, alongside other metrics, but that after a certain tipping point more money does not help job satisfaction.

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An evidence review led by the University of Warwick has concluded that the increase of zero hours contracts over the last 20 years has created significant risk for workers as unreliable work can result in a sudden loss of hours and earnings, and an inability to access legal advice for unfair or potentially unlawful employment practices.

Along with colleagues from the ReWAGE expert advisory group, academics at the Institute of Employment Research at the University of Warwick examined the legal and workplace practices associated with zero hours contracts (ZHCs), along with data covering flexibility, pay insecurity, worker ability to assert their rights and worker health and wellbeing.

The ReWAGE Zero Hours Contracts Policy Brief including full recommendations can be read online.

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ReWAGE in the news...

Over the last 2 years ReWAGE has contributed to blogs, conferences and discussions and has been referenced in parliamentary reports and debates. We have also secured coverage in the national, regional and specialist press. Here are links to some of our stories...


ReWAGE News Archive...Link opens in a new window

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About ReWAGE

ReWAGE analyses the latest work and employment research to advise the government on addressing the challenges facing the UK’s productivity and prosperity.



ReWAGE Advisory Group and Steering Group

ReWAGE representatives from sector bodies and civil society organisations provide advice to the Steering Group.

The Steering Group provides leadership and accountability.


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ReWAGE Experts

ReWAGE’s experts are senior researchers drawn from leading universities and research organisations from across the UK.


Find out about the work of ReWAGE's sub-groups



ReWAGE produces evidence papers, policy briefs and reports.