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Over £2.2million for University of Warwick to accelerate bright ideas into global opportunities

Two new grant awards totalling over £2.2 million will support University of Warwick researchers in creating real-world impact from their work, as part of new national funding announced today.

Wed 15 Jun 2022, 16:26 | Tags: research, impact

Government’s new KEF report puts Warwick in top 10% of English universities for “Public and community engagement” and top 20% for “Working with Business”

The Government’s new Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) report published today, Wednesday 31st March 2021, shows that, in among universities and higher education providers in England, Warwick is in the top 10% for “Public and community engagement” and the top 20% for “Working with business”.

Warwick experts explore what economic policy should look like after Brexit

Opinion formers and policy experts welcomed Which way now? Economic policy after a decade of upheaval, a new report from the Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE), launched last night [12] with a panel debate at the University of Warwick. The report presents 18 studies tackling the question of what a post-financial crisis, post-Brexit economic policy should look like, with the aim of presenting accessible recommendations informed by robust, up-to-date research.