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Exploring Europe's key Stone Age site: The major underwater scientific expedition to preserve history

Led by a researcher from the University of Warwick, a new expedition is set to delve into Europe’s pivotal Mesolithic Stonge Age site, Bouldnor Cliff.

The expedition is a race against time to the submerged prehistoric settlement as erosion threatens its complete loss.

Fri 26 Apr 2024, 09:55 | Tags: Archaeology 1 - Research ocean DNA

Aquatic robots can remove contaminant particles from water

Scientists from WMG at the University of Warwick, led by Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, developed a 1cm by 1cm wireless artificial aquatic polyp, which can remove contaminants from water. Apart from cleaning, this soft robot could be also used in medical diagnostic devices by aiding in picking up and transporting specific cells for analysis.

Mon 10 Aug 2020, 11:36 | Tags: Computers, WMG, Environment, ocean, BIOTECHNOLOGY, Sciences

‘Chameleon’ ocean bacteria can shift their colours

Cyanobacteria - which propel the ocean engine and help sustain marine life – can shift their colour like chameleons to match different coloured light across the world’s seas, according to research by an international collaboration including the University of Warwick.


‘Lost’ 99% of ocean microplastics to be identified with dye?

The smallest microplastics present in our oceans – which go largely undetected and are potentially harmful – could be more effectively identified using an innovative and inexpensive new method, developed by researchers at the University of Warwick.