What is the Education Quality Framework?
What is the Education Quality Framework?
The Framework brings together, organises and re-expresses The University of Warwick’s existing quality assurance mechanisms into one place. It acts as a formal framework setting out how we assess compliance with internal and external quality standards, primarily the Office for Students' (OfS) ongoing conditions of registrationLink opens in a new window. Quality assurance and enhancement activity is carried out through a number of processes which have traditionally operated independently of each other. The initial establishment of an education quality framework does not supersede existing arrangements, rather it makes those processes visible in one place so that their outcomes can be more easily tracked. In time, we expect to take learning from the Framework on the gaps, duplication and opportunities for improvement in the design of specific processes and activities.
The Framework flows from a set of general principles and outlines 4 ‘lines of quality assurance’. The table provided outlines Warwick’s expectations for good quality provision, split into themes, and sets out the relevant mechanisms for achieving and assuring those expectations.
The Framework also provides a basis for staff at Warwick to find guidance related to any aspect of education quality they need, for example, by providing guidance and resources for staff setting up new high-quality courses or adapting existing courses.
The Framework is underpinned by the following general principles:
a. continuous improvement of the student experience is at the core of all quality assurance and enhancement activities;
b. all members of staff take responsibility for the quality of their contribution to the student experience;
c. key stakeholders, especially students, are engaged effectively to co-create high quality;
d. the range of actions and processes provide confidence to students that high-quality education is continuously delivered;
e. academic departments, faculties, central professional services and institutional leaders all share joint responsibility for the quality of education and the student experience;
f. a complementary range of robust and proportionate quality assurance activities enable assurance that the OfS Conditions of Registration on Quality and Standards (‘the B Conditions’) and external obligations have been and continue to be met.
Governance Structures and Quality
The Education Quality Framework should be considered alongside the University’s governance structures, which play a key role in assuring quality. The University’s Council is ultimately responsible for educational quality but delegates responsibility for oversight of this and the University’s academic affairs more broadly to the Senate.
Education and Quality Framework
The Education Quality Framework has 4 ‘lines of quality assurance’, as outlined below, that provide an overview of relevant policy and quality expectations, the day-to-day operational quality assurance activities, and the quality monitoring, review and evaluation processes that ensure we are providing a high-quality experience for our students.
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Education Quality Framework
The Framework brings together, organises and re-expresses The University of Warwick’s (“Warwick” hereafter) existing quality assurance mechanisms into one place. It acts as a formal framework setting out how we assess compliance with internal and external quality standards, primarily the Office for Student’s (OfS) ongoing conditions of registration.
The framework is arranged thematically, with the quality activities leading to assurance of standards arranged against each theme in three of the four ‘lines’. Linking the themes with the lines are brief expressions of our minimum expectations, informed by QAA’s indicators of quality (PDF) – each individual activity will also have its own aims and expectations expressed in the relevant guidance and process information.
Compliance with OfS B Conditions
This is an at-a-glance chart showing where our activities facilitate compliance with the B conditions. A more comprehensive mapping exercise is in development.
Warwick's Quality Processes, Policies and Advice
Over time Warwick has developed a range of processes, policies, advice and guidance that is used centrally and by departments to assure quality. The Framework uses these existing quality processes and policies as its component parts. Some external reference materials that help build quality HE provision are included here as well.