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Conduct-related support and resources for all students

Welcome (and Welcome Back) to Warwick!

A warm welcome to all new and returning students from the Student Conduct and Resolution Team. As you embark on the next steps of your university journey, we’re here to support you to have a safe university experience.

The University offers a variety of conduct-related support services and resources, accessible to all students, including PGT and PGR students.

Our team manages the Report + Support service and provides Active Bystander training for student leaders. We work closely with other key services across the University, including Well-being and the Students' Union (SU), to support you throughout your time at Warwick.

Report + Support

Report + Support is the University's online, confidential reporting platform, accessible to all students, staff, and visitors.

You can report anonymously or with your details. If you report with details, we will contact you within two university working days to arrange a chat. Nothing formal is triggered by making an initial report. We are a reporter-led service and won’t force someone to make a formal complaint if they don’t want to.

We also signpost to external and internal support services.

Preview of the platform's homepage:

Report and Support homepage image

Other key services:

SU Advice Centre

The Advice Centre is a free, professional, confidential, non-judgmental service, independent from the University.

If you are experiencing a problem in relation to your studies, accommodation, money or personal problems and need our help, please head to the contacts page and log an enquiry or book an in-person appointment.

You will be assigned an advisor who will offer you advice, guidance, information and options to help you resolve your problem or signpost you to the right service who can help you.

Well-being services

Wellbeing and Student Support provide a range of services that can help you to develop the personal resources and skills you need to navigate the challenges and opportunities of student life.
They are able to respond quickly to you by offering an online brief consultation with one of our Wellbeing and Student Support team to help you identify your needs. These brief consultations are available on Teams each week day - Monday to Friday - between 10am and 3pm - for full details, contact Wellbeing and Student Support via the Wellbeing Portal.

Student conduct - explore our key pillars:

Freedom of Speech

Content and resources coming soon.

Being an Active Bystander

Active bystander strategies work in response to behaviours like sexual misconduct, harassment, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and more.

We Act campaign at Warwick.

Further learning:

Foundations in Racial Equity at Warwick course (new for 2024/25)

  • This resource is part of our community efforts to create inclusive learning environments at Warwick, where we cherish the rich diversity of our vibrant body of students and staff.

  • Short online course.
  • The Moodle aims to support you develop your confidence to champion inclusion; a key skill for your future.
  • Certificate of completion.
  • Led by Warwick Medical School and other colleagues.
  • Enrol on the Moodle.Link opens in a new window

Key contacts and wider support:

If you are experiencing an emergency:

On campus:

  • Community Safety: 024 7652 2222.
  • Off-campus: call 999.

For non-emergencies:

  • Community safety: 024 7652 2083.
  • Off-campus: call 101.