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Conduct-related support and resources for all students

About the Conduct and Resolution team

We’re here to help you have a safe and positive university experience. The University offers a range of conduct-related support services and resources for UG and PGT students, and some including PGR students too.

Our team takes a trauma-informed approach to support, ensuring sensitivity and care for everyone involved. We deliver activities that focus on prevention, alongside providing clear reporting and support routes for victim/survivors and all students affected. Our team manages the Report + Support service and provides Active Bystander training for student leaders, and promote key principles around Consent. We work closely with key services like Wellbeing and the Students’ Union (SU) to ensure you have access to comprehensive support throughout your time at Warwick.

Your department encourages you to take part in training on conduct-related topics. Many of these opportunities are eligible for the Warwick Award, so don’t miss out!

Current opportunities:


Good Course mini-learning:

Example of how the Good Course shows up on your phone

Good Course micro-courses

All students (UG, PGT, and PGR) will be enrolled onto four micro-learning courses related to conduct and behaviour at Warwick. Each course takes just 4 to 7 minutes. A link to each course will be shared straight to your phone via message or to your email. You should tap the link you receive, and dive straight in. You will receive reminders to complete the course.

The message will be from ‘Good Course’ and Warwick’s ‘Conduct and Resolution’ Team. It is not spam, so do not delete it, but you can email if you have any questions. The courses are on Consent, Preventing Harassment, Being an Active Bystander, and Freedom of Speech, and you’ll receive one course at a time throughout the academic year.

A big thank you to all those students who have already completed the Consent and the Preventing Harassment courses. Your next course will be Being an Active Bystander in January 2025.

Active Bystander skills course - now open

Active bystander strategies work in response to behaviours like sexual misconduct, harassment, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and more.

The Active bystander course introduces what it means to be an active bystander, how to recognise harmful behaviours, and how we can respond as active bystanders to keep the members of our communities safe. It is very focused on sexual misconduct but also covers how the strategies can be applied to other unacceptable behaviours.

The course is four hours (with some breaks). Your get a certificate of completion and are eligible for two Warwick Award points. Term 2 dates are open. Contact Puja Laporte (Programme Manager) on with any questions.

Previous participants have said:

"I am certain that we would have a far more enriched university experience if this course were rolled out to everyone as part of their degree programme/role."

"A really informative course that I thoroughly enjoyed. The tutor for my sessions was so great."

"The group interactions really helped me develop my understanding of topics being discussed and made me appreciative to various differing viewpoints."

Foundations in Racial Equity (FRE) Moodle

Foundations in Racial Equity (FRE) at Warwick course is a central resource for all students. We recommend that all students engage with this learning and complete the course.

  • Complete online in your own time.
  • Certificate of completion.
  • Eligible for two Warwick Award points.

Register for the course via Moodle.

Student Leadership Training course:

We are partnering with an external organisation called 'Beyond Equality' to present a leadership course for Warwick students (new for 2024/25 at Warwick). This course is for any student in a leadership position or about to start a leadership position (e.g., an Exec position, SSLC, Sabbatical Officer, Welcome Ambassador, Mentor, someone leading in another capacity at the University or externally).

  • Open to UG, PGT, and Degree Apprenticeship students.

  • CPD certified.
  • 1 Core Skills Point for the Warwick Award.
  • Saturday 18th January, 2025 on main campus.
  • 10-3pm. 4 hours for the course with a 1 hour beak in-between.
  • Tea, coffee and light refreshments with networking at 9.30-9.55am.

  • You need to bring/organise your own lunch.

  • The course is now full. You can apply for a waiting list place.

The course will cover:

  • Communication: Including the challenges in expressing discomfort; using leadership to open communication and open cultures to allow participation.

  • Consent Culture - Deconstructing sexual harassment and emphasises the key role that student leaders can play in accelerating positive change.

  • Inclusion & Belonging - Explores the principles of allyship in leadership.

  • Supporting others - Covers help-seeking options; active listening skills; best practise dealing with disclosures; building trust; and, the role of leadership within these processes.

Wider activities:

  • Report and Support Ready initiative for Warwick Clubs and Societies.

  • Warwick Welcome Ambassador training: The 1-hour Warwick Ambassador training equips students to represent Warwick’s values of equality, inclusion, and social responsibility. Through interactive activities, Ambassadors explore key initiatives and learn to confidently address challenging questions, reflecting Warwick’s commitment to a welcoming and inclusive community.

Previous conduct team activities:

  • Men's Mental Health Awareness Month event (2024): Creating safer and braver spaces for male students to engage in conversations they might not typically have with their peers. The workshop explored key themes such as mental wellbeing, healthy relationships, and belonging.
  • Say My Name project workshops for incoming students: Supporting respectful interactions with names.
  • Values workshops for incoming students exploring our personal values along with the Warwick values to support an enriching experience as a student.
  • Active Bystander for PGRs in the Teaching Space: This WIHEA funded project was developed in collaboration with the Academic Development Centre.
  • Maskulinities project: This IATL funded pilot project explored the meaning and impact of masculinity, sexism in sport, and supporting men in allyship.

Report + Support

Report + Support (R+S) is the University's online, confidential reporting platform, accessible to all students, staff, and visitors. You can report anonymously or with your details. If you report with details, we will contact you within two university working days to arrange a chat. Nothing formal is triggered by making an initial report. We are a reporter-led service and won’t force someone to make a formal complaint if they don’t want to. We also signpost to external and internal support services. 

Key contacts

If you are experiencing an emergency

On campus:

  • Community Safety: 024 7652 2222.
  • Off-campus: call 999.

For non-emergencies:

  • Community safety: 024 7652 2083.
  • Off-campus: call 101.