Flower Power
Activity Details
Activity type: A combination of individual reflection and community building.
Group size: Suitable for all group sizes.
Time to complete: One hour (less time is required if flowers are completed in advance).
Mode: Can be facilitated in-person or online.
Ng, W. (n.d.). A Tool for Everyone: Revelations from the “Power Flower”. Retrieved February 8, 2015, from http://lgbtq2stoolkit.learningcommunity.ca/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/flower-power-exercise.pdf
Thank you to Carolina Alonso Bejarano, School of Law for sharing this activity.
CVEP team has included adaptations for moving this activity online and for keeping outputs anonymous.

"Students appreciate the opportunity to share their experiences in a different way, and they enjoy colouring in class."
Planning on using this activity?
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