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Wellbeing Support Services move to Senate House
In January 2018, the Wellbeing Support Services of the University moved from University House to Senate House, meaning easier access for students to these departments. Senate House now houses the following departments;
- Student Reception and Warwick Accommodation
- Wellbeing Support Services (Wellbeing Support, Mental Health Team and Disability Services)
- Student Finance and Student Funding
- Dean of Students’ Office
- Postgraduate Hub
- Unitemps (for ID checks only)
- Student Enterprise
- IATL (Institute of Advanced Teaching and Learning)
- WIHEA (Warwick International Higher Education Academy)
- Education Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellors and Academic Directors
- MOAC (MAS CDT & Chemistry PGT)
- PGCTSS (Postgraduate Certificate of Transferable Skills in Science)
- LDC (Learning and Development Centre)
- IBR (Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research)
Please note the Counselling Service will remain in its current location at Westwood for the duration of the academic year 2018-19.
Image description: a picture from the far end of the waiting area of the new Wellbeing Support Services reception desk.
Image description: a picture of the new waiting area in University House for Wellbeing Support Services. It has comfy chairs, sofas and stools in it.