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1.8 The Senate and its Committees

The Senate

Membership 2017/18

Ex Officio Members


The Vice-Chancellor and President

Professor Stuart Croft

The Provost

Professor Christine Ennew

The Pro-Vice-Chancellors / Academic Vice-Presidents

Professor Christopher Hughes
Professor Jan Palmowski
Professor Simon Swain
Professor Pam Thomas
Professor Lawrence Young


The Librarian


Mr Robin Green

The Chairs of the Boards of the Faculties
Social Sciences

Professor Simon Gilson
Professor Aileen Clarke
Professor Michael Shipman
Professor Matthew Nudds

The holders of such other posts, including persons charged with the welfare of students, as the Senate may from time to time determine.


The Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies Professor Colin Sparrow

The Dean of Students

Professor Louise Gracia



Appointed Members


Twenty-four members of the academic staff, appointed by the Boards of the Faculties



Professor Catherine Constable (Film and Television Studies) (2018)
Professor Maureen Freely (English and Comparative Literary Studies) (2018)
Professor Seán Hand (School of Modern Languages and Cultures) (2019)
Professor Cathia Jenainati (School for Cross-faculty Studies) (2020)
Professor Penny Roberts (History) (2018)
Professor Alison Ribeiro de Menezes (School of Modern Languages and Cultures) (2020)


Professor Mohan Balasubramanian (Warwick Medical School) (2018)
Professor Frances Griffiths (Warwick Medical School) (2019)
Professor Geraldine Hartshorne (Warwick Medical School) (2018)
Professor Sudhesh Kumar (Warwick Medical School) (2020)
Professor Lesley Roberts (Warwick Medical School) (2020)
Professor Kate Seers (Warwick Medical School) (2018)


Dr Dave Britnell (Engineering) (2019)
Professor Claire Davis (Warwick Manufacturing Group) (2019)
Professor Laura Green (Life Sciences) (2019)
Professor David Leadley (Physics) (2018)
Professor Robin Goodwin (Psychology) (2020)

Social Sciences

Professor Geoff Lindsay (CEDAR) (2020)
Professor Celia Lury (CIM) (2020)
Professor Andrew Lockett (WBS) (2019)
Professor Jeremy Smith (Economics) (2020)
Professor John Solomos (Sociology) (2018)
Professor Helen Spencer-Oatey (Centre for Applied Linguistics) (2018)


Six members appointed by the Assembly, of whom not more than two shall be Professors

Mrs Shirley Crookes (Head of Student Support) (2018)
Professor Saul Jacka (Statistics) (2019)
Professor Jonathan Millar (Warwick Medical School) (2019)
Dr Thijs van Rens (Economics) (2019)
Dr Rebecca Freeman (School of Life Sciences) (2019)

Student Members


The President of the Students' Union

Ms Hope Worsdale (2018)

Two registered students of the University elected by registered students of the University

Ms Emily Dunford (2018)
Mr Liam Jackson (2018)



(The year after a member’s name indicates that his or her term of office expires on 31 July of that year.)

Senate Committees